PHP Neos\Flow\Core\Migrations Namespace


Name Description
AbstractMigration The base class for code migrations.
Git Encapsulates some git commands the code migration needs.
Manager The central hub of the code migration tool in Flow.
Tools A set of helper methods for the code migration tool.
Version20120126163600 Adjust to the major changes in FLOW3 1.1 when coming from 1.0.
Version20120503130300 Rename form.textbox to form.textfield
Version20120529214500 Replace FileTypes use with MediaTypes use.
Version20120627112800 Replace DataNotSerializeableException with DataNotSerializableException.
Version20120920111200 Move all code to PSR-0 compatible directory structure, remove Package.xml, add composer.json.
Version20120925142600 Rename FLOW3 to TYPO3 Flow
Version20121115110100 Check for globally defined role identifiers in Policy.yaml files
Version20121205134000 Change entity resource definitions from using _ to \
Version20130516234520 Rename "renderTypoScript" VH to just "render"
Version20130516235550 Rename "renderTypoScript" VH to just "render"
Version20130523180140 Adjust to removed TYPO3.ContentRepository:Folder node type by replacing it with unstructured. In a Neos context, you probably want to replace it with TYPO3.Neos:Document instead!
Version20130911165500 Change node type and TS object names in NodeTypes.yaml and PHP code.
Version20131003152300 Change Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\DatabaseConnectionException to Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\Exception\DatabaseConnectionException
Version20140511114700 This migration does not actually change any code. It just displays a warning if a TypeConverters canConvertFrom() is overridden in custom code.
Version20140706103800 Adjust to updated date format for inspector date editor
Version20140907192200 Adjust to updated folder name for TypoScript in site packages
Version20140911160326 Adjust to renamed NodeLabelGeneratorInterface.
Version20141001000000 Migrates the former HtmlEditor to CodeEditor
Version20141101082142 Adjust namespaces for ContentRepository related FlowQuery operations that were moved from TYPO3.Neos to TYPO3.TYPO3CR
Version20141113115300 Rename setting TYPO3.Neos.modules..resource to "privilegeTarget"
Version20141113120800 Rename the "resource" argument of the security.ifAccess ViewHelper to "privilegeTarget"
Version20141113121400 Adjust "Policy.yaml" to new syntax
Version20141121091700 Warn about removed ReflectionService dependency from AbstractViewHelper
Version20141218134700 Rename node property type 'date' to DateTime
Version20150214130800 Add "escapeOutput" property to existing ViewHelpers to ensure backwards-compatibility
Version20150303231600 Migrates ImageVariant to ImageInterface
Version20150510103823 Migrates to new super type syntax in node type configuration
Version20151113161300 Adjust "Settings.yaml" to new "requestPattern" and "firewall" syntax (see FLOW-412)
Version20161115140400 Adjust to the renaming of the Resource namespace and class in Flow 4.0
Version20161115140430 Adjust to the renaming of the Object namespace in Flow 4.0
Version20161124204700 Adjusts code to package renaming from "TYPO3.Flow" to "Neos.Flow"
Version20161124204701 Adjusts code to package renaming from "Neos.Flow.Utility.Files" to "Neos.Utility.Files" and other extractions of the "Utility" packages.
Version20161124224015 Adjusts code to cache extraction
Version20161124230101 Adjusts code to Eel Renaming
Version20161124230102 Adjusts code to Kickstarter Renaming
Version20161124233100 Adjusts code to package renaming from "TYPO3.Media" to "Neos.Media"
Version20161125002300 Adjusts code to package renaming from "TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes" to "Neos.NodeTypes"
Version20161125002311 Adjusts code to package renaming from "TYPO3.Neos.Kickstarter" to "Neos.SiteKickstarter"
Version20161125002322 Adjusts code to package renaming from "TYPO3.Neos" to "Neos.Neos"
Version20161125012000 Adjusts code to package renaming from "TYPO3.TYPO3CR" to "Neos.ContentRepository"
Version20161125013710 Adjusts code to package renaming from "TYPO3.TypoScript" to "Neos.Fusion"
Version20161125095901 Fix wronly renamed Neos.SiteKickstarter references. There was a replacement from "TYPO3.Neos" to "Neos.Neos"; which inadvertedly also got applied to the site kickstarter packages. That's why we fix this by renaming "Neos.Neos.Kickstarter" to "Neos.SiteKickstarter"
Version20161125104701 Adjusts code to package renaming from "TYPO3.TypoScript" to "Neos.Fusion" in Fusion files
Version20161125104800 Adjusts code to package renaming from "TYPO3.Neos.NodeTypes" to "Neos.NodeTypes" in Fusion files
Version20161125104802 Adjusts code to package renaming from "TYPO3.Neos" to "Neos.Neos" in Fusion files
Version20161125110814 Adjusts code to Kickstarter Renaming
Version20161125122412 Allow to migrate Sites.xml files
Version20161125124112 Adjusts code to Neos\Flow\Utility\Unicode adjustment
Version20161130112935 Adjusts code to package renaming from "TYPO3.Fluid" to "Neos.FluidAdaptor".
Version20161201222211 Migrate namespaces for fusion core implementation and helper classes