PHP Neos\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\Migrations Namespace


Name Description
Version20110613223837 FLOW3 Migration
Version20110620155001 Database structure as per the T3CON11 CfP launch on 2011-05-20
Version20110620155002 Database structure as per the T3CON11 CfP launch on 2011-05-20
Version20110824124835 Rename FLOW3 tables to follow FQCN
Version20110824125035 Rename TYPO3 tables to follow FQCN
Version20110824125135 Rename TYPO3CR tables to follow FQCN
Version20110919164835 Creates the table for the TYPO3 Media\Image model
Version20110920104739 Drop content types table, as they are now stored inside the Settings.yaml
Version20110920125736 Creates the needed table for the generic identity routepart handler
Version20110923125535 Fix column names for direct associations
Version20110923125537 Fix column names for direct associations
Version20110923125538 Fix column names for direct associations
Version20110925123119 Drop media image tables of TYPO3 package, no longer used as the Media package is now used.
Version20110925123120 Create needed tables for Media package
Version20110928114048 Add optimistic locking support (version field), parentpath, rename sorting_index to sortingindex and remove the depth field.
Version20111215172027 Rename "hiddenBeforeDate" to "hiddenBeforeDateTime"; same for hiddenAfter* for consistency
Version20120328152041 Rename the table for object-path mapping used in routing
Version20120329220340 Adjust default values to NOT NULL unless allowed in model.
Version20120329220342 Adjust default values to NOT NULL unless allowed in model.
Version20120329220343 Adjust default values to NOT NULL unless allowed in model.
Version20120329220344 Adjust default values to NOT NULL unless allowed in model.
Version20120412093748 Adjust shortened table names to correct maximum length
Version20120412194611 Create tables for PostgreSQL
Version20120412194612 Create tables for PostgreSQL
Version20120412194613 Create tables for PostgreSQL
Version20120412194614 Create tables for PostgreSQL
Version20120429213445 Create unique indexes for identity properties
Version20120429213447 Create unique indexes for identity properties and make version non-nullable
Version20120429213448 Create unique indexes for identity properties
Version20120429225205 Create unique indexes for identity properties
Version20120429225207 Create unique indexes for identity properties
Version20120429225208 Create unique indexes for identity properties
Version20120520211354 Make credentialsSource in Account nullable (#37341)
Version20120520211355 Make credentialsSource in Account nullable (#37341)
Version20120625211647 Add table for publishing configurations and the connection between Resource and AbstractPublishingConfiguration
Version20120712084104 Add table for publishing configurations and the connection between Resource and AbstractPublishingConfiguration
Version20120829124549 Add migration status table for Neos.ContentRepository
Version20120829124550 Add migration status table for Neos.ContentRepository
Version20120930203452 Adjust flow3 to flow
Version20120930221651 Adjust flow3 to flow
Version20121001181137 Adjust flow3 to flow
Version20121001201712 Adjust flow3 to flow
Version20121001202223 Adjust flow3 to flow
Version20121002120357 Adjust flow3 to flow
Version20121002120817 Adjust flow3 to flow
Version20121002121215 Adjust flow3 to flow
Version20121011140946 Migration that renames occurrences of "FLOW3" legacies inside the imageVariants property of the Image entity (which is a serialized array collection)
Version20121014005902 Makes sure the base workspace is set to NULL on delete preventing foreign key constraints while dropping all nodes / workspaces.
Version20121014005903 Makes sure the base workspace is set to NULL on delete preventing foreign key constraints while dropping all nodes / workspaces.
Version20121030103851 Rename from TYPO3 and/or Phoenix to Neos as needed
Version20121030221151 Rename from TYPO3 and/or Phoenix to Neos as needed
Version20121031190213 Add state field to the "Domain" domain model schema
Version20121031190214 Add state field to the "Domain" domain model schema
Version20130201104344 Rename content type to node type
Version20130213130515 Create unique indexes for identity properties
Version20130213180302 Create unique indexes for identity properties
Version20130218100324 Corrects occurrences of "Neos\Neos\Domain\Model\Site" in Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\ContentObjectProxy's targettype property
Version20130218101617 Corrects occurrences of "Neos\Neos\Domain\Model\Site" in Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\ContentObjectProxy's targettype property
Version20130227141233 Rename content type to node type
Version20130319131400 Adjust tables for Role handling
Version20130319131500 Adjust tables for Role handling
Version20130522131641 Adjust Neos.Media tables to new Asset base class and add new models.
Version20130522131642 Adjust Neos.Media tables to new Asset base class and add new models.
Version20130522132835 Add tags to assets
Version20130522132836 Add tags to assets
Version20130605174712 Add caption and lastModified to Asset
Version20130605174713 Add caption and lastModified to Asset
Version20130702151425 Node data refactoring
Version20130712110356 Node data refactoring
Version20130730151319 Adjust properties column
Version20130730151320 Adjust properties column
Version20130919143352 Rename rootnode to rootnodedata on workspace
Version20130919143841 Rename rootnode to rootnodedata on workspace
Version20130930182839 Raise length limit on path and parentpath
Version20130930184332 Raise length limit on path and parentpath
Version20131111235827 Remove the site content object proxy from all site nodes and change their node type to "TYPO3.Neos:Shortcut"
Version20131112191120 Remove the site content object proxy from all site nodes and change their node type to "TYPO3.Neos:Shortcut"
Version20131129110302 Migration to remove persistence_object_identifier from workspace model. The workspace name is used as identifier.
Version20131203110242 Migration to remove persistence_object_identifier from workspace model. The workspace name is used as identifier.
Version20131205174631 Adds a column "pathhash" to the NodeData table and a unique index over that column & the workspace column in order to prevent corrupt node trees.
Version20131205191529 Adds a column "pathhash" to the NodeData table and a unique index over that column & the workspace column in order to prevent corrupt node trees.
Version20140206122814 Schema adjustments for dimension support in TYPO3CR.
Version20140206124123 Schema adjustments for dimension support in TYPO3CR.
Version20140208173140 This migration adds "parentpathhash" and additional indexes resulting in drastic speed improvements
Version20140228105339 This migration adds "parentpathhash" and additional indexes resulting in drastic speed improvements
Version20140325173151 Remove the workspacename from the migration status because migrations no longer work on specific workspaces.
Version20140325173152 Remove the workspacename from the migration status because migrations no longer work on specific workspaces.
Version20140826164246 Add movedTo reference to NodeData
Version20140826164247 Add movedTo reference to NodeData
Version20141001151417 Set the movedto column to NULL if a node was removed, we need this to have consistent updates when moving nodes
Version20141003233738 Add ON DELETE CASCADE so that node dimension data is removed with node data.
Version20141015125841 New Resource Management
Version20141017174559 Change all existing serialized ImageVariants to arrays to be picked up and converted by the matching ContentRepository migration.
Version20141022111921 Set the movedto column to NULL if a node was removed, we need this to have consistent updates when moving nodes
Version20141105155717 Add ON DELETE CASCADE so that node dimension data is removed with node data.
Version20141113145146 Remove table and relations for Role entity, instead roleidentifiers are now stored as simple comma separated list in the account table
Version20141113173712 Remove table and relations for Role entity, instead role identifiers are now stored as simple comma separated list in the account table
Version20141114115241 Create Event Log Table
Version20141118172322 Adjustments for the rewritten Flow resource management and the new domain model structure
Version20141118174722 New Resource Management
Version20141118174900 Adjustments for the rewritten Flow resource management and the new domain model structure
Version20141118174901 The migration Version20141118174900 wrongly creates ratiomode as INT, make it a VARCHAR
Version20141125133037 Create Event Log Table
Version20150129225152 Remove leftover table from resource management changes
Version20150131172631 Add postgresql migration to set asset columns not nullable
Version20150131174806 Add creation date, last modification date and last publication date to node data table
Version20150206114820 Adjusts schema to Flow 3.0 "Party package decoupling"
Version20150211181737 Add unique constraint on node data across identifier, workspace and dimensionshash.
Version20150216124452 Adjust schema to Flow 3.0 "Party package decoupling"
Version20150224171107 Adjust event log table to schema valid table structure
Version20150224171108 Adjust event log table to schema valid table structure
Version20150228154201 Migration that adds position to ImageAdjustments.
Version20150305113900 Migration that adds position to ImageAdjustments.
Version20150309181635 Adjust DB schema to a clean state (remove cruft that built up in the past)
Version20150309184456 Adjust DB schema to a clean state (remove cruft that built up in the past)
Version20150309212114 Adjust DB schema to a clean state (remove cruft that built up in the past)
Version20150309212115 Adjust DB schema to a clean state (remove cruft that built up in the past)
Version20150309215316 Adjust DB schema to a clean state (remove cruft that built up in the past)
Version20150309215317 Adjust DB schema to a clean state (remove cruft that built up in the past)
Version20150324185008 Add property allowupscaling in typo3_media_domain_model_adjustment_abstractimageadjustment
Version20150324185018 Note: The migrations date predates the actual change because for Neos it needs to be executed before some other migrations to make everything work correctly.
Version20150324185019 Migrates TYPO3CR NodeData entries from using serialized data to json encoded data and changes the field type to LONGTEXT afterwards.
Version20150324210627 Migrates TYPO3CR NodeData entries from using serialized data to json encoded data and changes the field type to JSONB afterwards.
Version20150402234511 Add missing definitions for the json properties change
Version20150408112832 Enforce lowercase node paths.
Version20150408112833 Enforce lowercase node paths.
Version20150507204450 Add asset collections
Version20150507204451 Add asset collections
Version20150507204453 Add asset collection to site
Version20150524150234 Migrates TYPO3CR nodedata properties to use unescaped unicode characters.
Version20150524151134 Migrates TYPO3CR nodedata properties to use unescaped unicode characters.
Version20150611154419 Move persistent resource files from abcde/fghij/.
Version20150611154421 Move persistent resource files from abcde/fghij/.
Version20150623112200 Adds "title" and "description" to the Workspace model
Version20150701113246 Allow NULL values for image dimensions
Version20150701113247 Allow NULL values for image dimensions
Version20150724091148 Adds indices to the event log to improve performance
Version20150724091150 Adds indices to the event log to improve performance
Version20150913173832 A properties configuration and configurationHash for Thumbnails
Version20150913173935 A properties configuration and configurationHash for Thumbnails
Version20151110113650 Add the two additional fields lastsuccessfulauthenticationdate and failedauthenticationcount to table typo3_flow_security_account
Version20151110113651 Add the two additional fields lastsuccessfulauthenticationdate and failedauthenticationcount to table typo3_flow_security_account
Version20151117125437 Add the "owner" field to Workspace
Version20151117125438 Add the "owner" field to Workspace
Version20151117125551 Set the Workspace "owner" field for all personal workspaces
Version20151117125552 Set the Workspace "owner" field for all personal workspaces
Version20151120170812 Change column type from json to jsonb on dimensionvalues and accessroles
Version20151126122252 Adjust column type and index names on Event schema to match code
Version20151216052338 Allow thumbnails without resources for asynchronous thumbnail generation.
Version20151216054040 Allow thumbnails without resources for asynchronous thumbnail generation.
Version20151216143756 Add static resource property to thumbnail table.
Version20151216143845 Add static resource property to thumbnail table.
Version20151216144408 Add constraint to thumbnail table to prevent duplicates.
Version20151216144435 Add constraint to thumbnail table to prevent duplicates.
Version20151223125909 Set the Workspace "owner" field for all personal workspaces with special characters in the username
Version20151223125946 Set the Workspace "owner" field for all personal workspaces with special characters in the username
Version20160104121311 Set the Workspace "owner" field for all personal workspaces with special characters in the username
Version20160104121413 Set the Workspace "owner" field for all personal workspaces with special characters in the username
Version20160212141523 Adjust some (old) index names to current Doctrine DBAL behavior (see
Version20160212141524 Adjust some (old) index names to current Doctrine DBAL behavior (see
Version20160212141533 Adjust some (old) index names to current Doctrine DBAL behavior (see
Version20160212141534 Adjust some (old) index names to current Doctrine DBAL behavior (see
Version20160223103919 Adjust some leftover things related to TYPO3CR schema
Version20160223165602 Adjust column comment to type change
Version20160223165603 Adjust column comment to type change
Version20160223165604 Adjust column comment to type change
Version20160411101457 Adds scheme and port to domain model
Version20160411101458 Adds primary domain to site model
Version20160411101639 Adds scheme and port to domain model
Version20160411101640 Adds primary domain to site model
Version20160601164332 Adjust failedauthenticationcount default value.
Version20160601164333 Adjust failedauthenticationcount default value.
Version20160711103440 Rename hostpattern to hostname
Version20160711103441 Rename hostpattern to hostname
Version20161115142022 Rename typo3_flow_resource_resource to typo3_flow_resourcemanagement_persistentresource
Version20161115142023 Rename typo3_flow_resource_resource to typo3_flow_resourcemanagement_persistentresource
Version20161124185047 Adjust table names to the renaming of TYPO3.Flow to Neos.Flow.
Version20161124185048 Adjust table names to the renaming of TYPO3.Flow to Neos.Flow.
Version20161125093800 Adjust table names to the renaming of TYPO3.Neos to Neos.Neos.
Version20161125093801 Adjust table names to the renaming of TYPO3.Neos to Neos.Neos.
Version20161125093810 Adjust table names to the renaming of TYPO3.Media to Neos.Media.
Version20161125093811 Adjust table names to the renaming of TYPO3.Media to Neos.Media.
Version20161125093820 Adjust table names to the renaming of TYPO3.TYPO3CR to Neos.ContentRepository.
Version20161125093821 Adjust table names to the renaming of TYPO3.TYPO3CR to Neos.ContentRepository.
Version20161125121217 Rename role identifiers in neos_flow_security_account
Version20161125121218 Rename role identifiers in neos_flow_security_account
Version20161125123504 Rename node names in neos_contentrepository_domain_model_nodedata
Version20161125124749 Rename node names in neos_contentrepository_domain_model_nodedata
Version20161125125004 Rename node names in neos_contentrepository_domain_model_nodedata
Version20161125125249 Rename node names in neos_contentrepository_domain_model_nodedata
Version20161125171231 Rename dtypes in neos_neos_eventlog_domain_model_event
Version20161125171831 Rename node names in neos_contentrepository_domain_model_nodedata
Version20161125172223 Rename dtypes in neos_media_domain_model_asset and neos_media_domain_model_adjustment_abstractimageadjustment
Version20161125172823 Rename dtypes in neos_media_domain_model_asset and neos_media_domain_model_adjustment_abstractimageadjustment
Version20161127010617 Adjust table names to the renaming of TYPO3.Neos to Neos.Neos.