PHP Pinq\Analysis Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
IAnalysisContext Interface of the static type analysis context.
IBinaryOperation Interface of a binary operation between two types.
ICallable Base interface of a function / method.
ICompositeType Interface of a composite type.
IConstructor Interface of the constructor of a type.
IExpressionAnalyser Interface of a expression type analyser.
IField Interface of a field of a type.
IFunction Interface of a function.
IIndexer Interface of a indexer of a type.
IMethod Interface of a method.
INativeType Interface of a type.
IObjectType Interface of an object type.
IType Interface of a type.
ITypeAnalysis Interface of a type analysis.
ITypeOperation Interface of a type operation.
ITypeSystem Interface of a type system.
ITyped Interface for classes using the type system.


Name Description
AnalysisContext Implementation of the analysis context.
ExpressionAnalyser Implementation of the expression type analyser.
PhpTypeSystem Default implementation of the type system representing a subset of PHP's excuse of a type system.
TolerantExpressionAnalyser Implementation of the expression type analyser that will convert exceptions from not being able to be statically analysed into the mixed type.
TypeAnalysis Implementation of the type analysis class.
TypeId Static helper to generate and interpret type identifiers.
TypeSystem Base class of the type system.
Typed Base class for classes using the type system.