PHP Pinq\Expressions Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
IEvaluationContext Interface of the evaluation context.
IEvaluator Interface of the expression evaluation.


Name Description
ArgumentExpression $i, .
ArrayExpression [1, 2, 'test' => 4]
ArrayItemExpression 'test' => 4
AssignmentExpression $variable += 5
BinaryOperationExpression $One + $Two; $Five . 'foo';
CastExpression (string)$I
ClassConstantExpression Class:constant
ClosureExpression function ($I) { return $I + 5; }
ClosureUsedVariableExpression use (&$i)
CompiledEvaluator Implementation of the expression evaluator using compiled closures.
ConstantExpression SORT_ASC
DynamicExpressionWalker Implementation of the expression walker takes an array of callables and delegates walking the expressions to those callables.
EmptyExpression empty($I)
EvaluationContext Implementation of the evaluation context.
Evaluator Implementation of the expression evaluator using compiled closures.
Expression The base class for object expressions.
ExpressionVisitor Base class for traversing an expression tree, only the top expression will be visited, the subclass should implement such that is visits all the appropriate expressions
ExpressionWalker Base class for traversing or manipulating an expression tree
FieldExpression $I->Field
FunctionCallExpression strlen($I)
IndexExpression $I[5]
InvocationExpression $I('foo')
IssetExpression isset($var, $other)
MethodCallExpression $var->method($one, true)
NamedParameterExpression Base class for parameters representing named variables.
NewExpression new \stdClass()
ParameterExpression function (\stdClass &$I = null) {}
ReturnExpression return true
StaticClassExpression Class::.
StaticFieldExpression Class::$field
StaticMethodCallExpression Class::Method('foo')
StaticValueEvaluator Implementation of the expression evaluator using a static return value.
TernaryExpression $condition ? 1 : -1
TraversalExpression Represents acting on a value (properties, methods, indexer.
UnaryOperationExpression -$I; $I++;
UnsetExpression unset($I, $B)
ValueExpression 1, 'foo', [], null etc
VariableEvaluator Implementation of the expression evaluator using a variable from the variable table or from the standard superglobals.
VariableExpression $I
VariadicLanguageConstructExpression Base class for a variadic language construct.