PHP Pinq\Iterators\Standard Namespace


Name Description
IIterator An extended \Iterator interface for simplicity and performance: Native iterator code: $iterator->rewind(); while ($iterator->valid()) { $key = $iterator->key(); $value = $iterator->current(); .


Name Description
ArrayCompatibleIterator Implementation of the array compatible iterator using the fetch method.
ArrayIterator Implementation of the array iterator using the fetch method.
ArrayIteratorAdapter Implementation of the adapter iterator for \ArrayIterator using the fetch method
CoalesceIterator Implementation of the coalesce using the fetch method
EmptyIterator Implementation of the empty iterator using the fetch method.
FilterIterator Implementation of the filter iterator using the fetch method.
FlatteningIterator Implementation of the flattening iterator using the fetch method.
GroupJoinIterator Implementation of the join iterator using the fetch method.
GroupJoinOnEqualityIterator Implementation of the join iterator using the fetch method.
GroupJoinOnIterator Implementation of the join iterator using the fetch method.
GroupedIterator Implementation of the grouped iterator using the fetch method.
IGeneratorAdapter Implementation of the adapter iterator for generators using the fetch method.
Iterator Base class for iterators implementing the extended iterator interface.
IteratorAdapter Implementation of the adapter iterator using the fetch method.
IteratorIterator Base class for wrapper iterators.
IteratorScheme Iterator scheme using the extended iterator API.
JoinIterator Implementation of the join iterator using generators.
JoinOnEqualityIterator Implementation of the join iterator using the fetch method.
JoinOnIterator Implementation of the join iterator using the fetch method.
LazyIterator Base class for a lazy iterator, initialized upon rewind.
OrderedIterator Implementation of the ordered iterator using the fetch method.
OrderedMap Implementation of the ordered map using the fetch method for iteration.
ProjectionIterator Implementation of the projection iterator using the fetch method.
RangeIterator Implementation of the range iterator using the fetch method.
ReindexedIterator Implementation of the reindexer iterator using the fetch method.
Set Implementation of the set using the fetch method for iteration.
SetOperationIterator Implementation of the set operation iterator using the fetch method.
UnfilteredGroupJoinIterator Implementation of the join iterator using the fetch method.
UnfilteredJoinIterator Implementation of the join iterator using the fetch method.