PHP Pinq\Queries\Segments Namespace


Name Description
ISegmentVisitor Interface of the segment visitor.


Name Description
Filter Query segment for filtering the values based on the supplied function
GroupBy Query segment for grouping the values base on the supplied grouping function.
IndexBy Query segment for indexing the values by the supplied function
Join Query segment for joining values.
Keys Query segment for selecting the keys as the values, indexed by their 0-based position
Operation Query segment for a set/multiset operation
OrderBy Query segment for ordering the values with the supplied functions and order directions
Ordering Class for a ordering of element projections by a direction.
ProjectionSegment Base class for a query segment with a projection function.
Range Query segment for retrieving the specified range of values
Reindex Query segment for numerically reindexing the values by their 0-based position
Segment Base class for a query segment Currently here for convenient namespacing
SegmentVisitor The segment visitor traverses through the segments in the supplied query scope.
Select Query segment for retrieving the values mapped by the supplied function
SelectMany Query segment for retrieving the values mapped by the supplied function which will be flattened into single range of values
Unique Query segment for retrieving only unique values