PHP Predis\Collection\Iterator Namespace


Name Description
CursorBasedIterator Provides the base implementation for a fully-rewindable PHP iterator that can incrementally iterate over cursor-based collections stored on Redis using the commands in the `SCAN` family.
HashKey Abstracts the iteration of fields and values of an hash by leveraging the HSCAN command (Redis >= 2.8) wrapped in a fully-rewindable PHP iterator.
Keyspace Abstracts the iteration of the keyspace on a Redis instance by leveraging the SCAN command (Redis >= 2.8) wrapped in a fully-rewindable PHP iterator.
ListKey Abstracts the iteration of items stored in a list by leveraging the LRANGE command wrapped in a fully-rewindable PHP iterator.
SetKey Abstracts the iteration of members stored in a set by leveraging the SSCAN command (Redis >= 2.8) wrapped in a fully-rewindable PHP iterator.
SortedSetKey Abstracts the iteration of members stored in a sorted set by leveraging the ZSCAN command (Redis >= 2.8) wrapped in a fully-rewindable PHP iterator.