PHP Predis\Connection Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AggregateConnectionInterface Defines a virtual connection composed of multiple connection instances to single Redis nodes.
CompositeConnectionInterface Defines a connection to communicate with a single Redis server that leverages an external protocol processor to handle pluggable protocol handlers.
ConnectionInterface Defines a connection object used to communicate with one or multiple Redis servers.
FactoryInterface Interface for classes providing a factory of connections to Redis nodes.
NodeConnectionInterface Defines a connection used to communicate with a single Redis node.
ParametersInterface Interface defining a container for connection parameters.


Name Description
AbstractConnection Base class with the common logic used by connection classes to communicate with Redis.
CompositeStreamConnection Connection abstraction to Redis servers based on PHP's stream that uses an external protocol processor defining the protocol used for the communication.
Factory Standard connection factory for creating connections to Redis nodes.
Parameters Container for connection parameters used to initialize connections to Redis.
PhpiredisSocketConnection This class provides the implementation of a Predis connection that uses the PHP socket extension for network communication and wraps the phpiredis C extension (PHP bindings for hiredis) to parse the Redis protocol.
PhpiredisStreamConnection This class provides the implementation of a Predis connection that uses PHP's streams for network communication and wraps the phpiredis C extension (PHP bindings for hiredis) to parse and serialize the Redis protocol.
StreamConnection Standard connection to Redis servers implemented on top of PHP's streams.
WebdisConnection This class implements a Predis connection that actually talks with Webdis instead of connecting directly to Redis. It relies on the cURL extension to communicate with the web server and the phpiredis extension to parse the protocol of the replies returned in the http response bodies.