PHP Sulu\Component\Rest\Exception Namespace


Name Description
ConstraintViolationException This exception should be thrown when a constraint violation for a enitity occures.
EntityIdAlreadySetException This exception should be thrown when an Entity id already has been set.
EntityNotFoundException This exception should be thrown when an Entity is not found.
InvalidArgumentException This exception should be thrown when an argument is invalid!
InvalidHashException Exception, which is thrown when the given hash does not match the hash of the current object. Usually happens when the data has been changed since it has been loaded.
MissingArgumentException This exception should be thrown when an Entity id already has been set.
MissingParameterChoiceException Missing one of given parameter in api.
MissingParameterException missing parameter in api.
ParameterDataTypeException parameter wrong datatype.
UniqueConstraintViolationException This exception should be thrown when a unique constraint violation for a enitity occures.