PHP Transphpile\Transpile\Visitors\Php70 Namespace


Name Description
AnonymousClassVisitor /* Convert anonymous classes
ClosureCallVisitor /* converts closure::call into another closure that dynamically checks if bindTo needs to be called, or the regular call() is needed.
DeclareVisitor /* Removes declare('strict_type') statements, and keep references if we are running strict_type or not for this file
DefineArrayVisitor /* Converts define() arrays into const arrays
GroupUseVisitor /* converts "use foo\{bar,baz}" into:
NullCoalesceVisitor /* Converts $a ?? $b into:
ReturnVisitor /* Check if returned values are correctly typed if source is set to strict
SpaceshipVisitor /* Converts $a <=> $b into;
TypehintVisitor /* Keeps track in which function we currently reside, which typehint it returns and will add checks on parameters when in strict mode.
UnserializeVisitor /* converts unserialize($foo, array('allowed_classes' => .