PHP Trismegiste\Mondrian\Tests\Visitor Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
FqcnHelperStub A subclass of FqcnHelper to test internal protected methods (it's better than using ReflectionMethod, IMO )
FqcnHelperTest FqcnHelperTest tests helper methods provided by FqcnHelper
InterfaceExtractorTest InterfaceExtractorTest tests for InterfaceExtractor
NewContractCollectorTest NewContractCollectorTest is a test for NewContractCollector
NewInstanceRefactorTest NewInstanceRefactorTest is a test for NewInstanceRefactor
ParamRefactorTest ParamRefactorTest is a test for ParamRefactor
PublicCollectorStub PublicCollectorStub is a stub for inner testing PublicCollector
PublicCollectorStubTest PublicCollectorStubTest tests for PublicCollectorStub visitor
PublicCollectorTest PublicCollectorTest tests for PublicCollector visitor
VisitorGatewayTest VisitorGatewayTest tests the VisitorGateway