PHP ZfcRbac\Factory Namespace


Name Description
AssertionPluginManagerFactory Factory to create a assertion plugin manager
AuthenticationIdentityProviderFactory Factory to create the authentication identity provider
AuthorizationServiceDelegatorFactory Delegator factory for classes implementing AuthorizationServiceAwareInterface
AuthorizationServiceFactory Factory to create the authorization service
ControllerGuardFactory Create a controller guard
ControllerPermissionsGuardFactory Create a controller guard for checking permissions
GuardPluginManagerFactory Factory to create a guard plugin manager
GuardsFactory Create a list of guards
HasRoleViewHelperFactory Create the HasRole view helper
IsGrantedPluginFactory Create the IsGranted controller plugin
IsGrantedViewHelperFactory Create the IsGranted view helper
ModuleOptionsFactory Factory for the module options
ObjectRepositoryRoleProviderFactory Factory used to create an object repository role provider
RedirectStrategyFactory Factory to create a redirect strategy
RoleProviderPluginManagerFactory Factory to create a role provider plugin manager
RoleServiceFactory Factory to create the role service
RouteGuardFactory Create a route guard
RoutePermissionsGuardFactory Create a route guard for checking permissions
UnauthorizedStrategyFactory Factory to create an unauthorized strategy