PHP Class Element_OphDrPrescription_Details

Inheritance: extends BaseEventTypeElement
Exibir arquivo Open project: openeyes/openeyes Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
attributeLabels ( ) : array
commonDrugs ( ) : Drug[] Get the common drugs for session firm.
commonDrugsBySiteAndSpec ( $site_id, $subspecialty_id ) : SiteSubspecialtyDrug[] Get the drug list for a specified site and subspecialty.
drugSets ( ) : DrugSet[] Get the drug sets for the current firm.
drugSetsAll ( ) : mixed Get all drug sets for admin page.
drugTypes ( ) : CHtml::listData Gets listdata for the drugtypes.
getContainer_form_view ( )
getContainer_print_view ( )
getInfotext ( ) : string Returns string status to indicate if the prescription is draft or not.
getLetterText ( ) : string Generates string for inclusion in letters that describes the prescription.
getPrint_view ( )
isEditable ( ) : boolean Prescription is always editable.
model ( $className = __CLASS__ ) : Element_OphDrPrescription_Details Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
relations ( ) : array
rules ( ) : array
search ( ) : CActiveDataProvider Retrieves a list of models based on the current search/filter conditions.
tableName ( ) : string
updateItems ( array() $items ) Create and save appropriate Element_OphDrPrescription_Item and Element_OphDrPrescription_Item_Taper models for this prescription based on the $items structure passed in.

Protected Methods

Method Description
afterValidate ( ) Validate prescription items.

Method Details

afterValidate() protected method

Validate prescription items.
protected afterValidate ( )

attributeLabels() public method

public attributeLabels ( ) : array
return array customized attribute labels (name=>label)

commonDrugs() public method

Get the common drugs for session firm.
public commonDrugs ( ) : Drug[]
return Drug[]

commonDrugsBySiteAndSpec() public method

Get the drug list for a specified site and subspecialty.
public commonDrugsBySiteAndSpec ( $site_id, $subspecialty_id ) : SiteSubspecialtyDrug[]
return SiteSubspecialtyDrug[]

drugSets() public method

Get the drug sets for the current firm.
public drugSets ( ) : DrugSet[]
return DrugSet[]

drugSetsAll() public method

Get all drug sets for admin page.
public drugSetsAll ( ) : mixed
return mixed

drugTypes() public method

Gets listdata for the drugtypes.
public drugTypes ( ) : CHtml::listData
return CHtml::listData

getContainer_form_view() public method

getContainer_print_view() public method

getInfotext() public method

Returns string status to indicate if the prescription is draft or not.
public getInfotext ( ) : string
return string

getLetterText() public method

Generates string for inclusion in letters that describes the prescription.
public getLetterText ( ) : string
return string

getPrint_view() public method

public getPrint_view ( )

isEditable() public method

Prescription is always editable.
public isEditable ( ) : boolean
return boolean

model() public static method

Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
public static model ( $className = __CLASS__ ) : Element_OphDrPrescription_Details
return Element_OphDrPrescription_Details the static model class

relations() public method

public relations ( ) : array
return array relational rules.

rules() public method

public rules ( ) : array
return array validation rules for model attributes.

tableName() public method

public tableName ( ) : string
return string the associated database table name

updateItems() public method

This instance must have been saved already.
public updateItems ( array() $items )
$items array()