PHP Class Graphite_Resource

Inheritance: extends Graphite_Node
Exibir arquivo Open project: cgutteridge/graphite Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Graphite $g, $uri )
__toString ( )
add ( $p, $o, $o_datatype = null, $o_lang = null )
all ( )
allString ( )
dump ( $options = [] )
dumpText ( )
dumpValue ( $options = [] )
dumpValueText ( )
get ( )
getDatatype ( )
getLanguage ( )
getLanguageLiteral ( )
getLiteral ( )
getString ( ) # getString deprecated in favour of getLiteral
has ( )
hasLabel ( )
isType ( )
label ( )
link ( )
load ( )
loadDataGovUKBackLinks ( )
loadSPARQLPath ( $endpoint, $path, $options = [] )
loadSameAs ( $prefix = null )
loadSameAsOrg ( $prefix )
nodeType ( )
prepareDescription ( )
prettyLink ( )
relations ( )
serialize ( $type = "RDFXML" )
toArcTriples ( $bnodes = true )
type ( )
types ( )
url ( ) Return the 'best' URL for this URI. Defaults to the URI.

Protected Methods

Method Description
parsePropertyArg ( $arg )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Graphite $g, $uri )
$g Graphite

__toString() public method

public __toString ( )

add() public method

public add ( $p, $o, $o_datatype = null, $o_lang = null )

all() public method

public all ( )

allString() public method

public allString ( )

dump() public method

public dump ( $options = [] )

dumpText() public method

public dumpText ( )

dumpValue() public method

public dumpValue ( $options = [] )

dumpValueText() public method

public dumpValueText ( )

get() public method

public get ( )

getDatatype() public method

public getDatatype ( )

getLanguage() public method

public getLanguage ( )

getLanguageLiteral() public method

public getLanguageLiteral ( )

getLiteral() public method

public getLiteral ( )

getString() public method

# getString deprecated in favour of getLiteral
public getString ( )

has() public method

public has ( )

hasLabel() public method

public hasLabel ( )

isType() public method

public isType ( )

label() public method

public label ( )

load() public method

public load ( )

loadSPARQLPath() public method

public loadSPARQLPath ( $endpoint, $path, $options = [] )

loadSameAs() public method

public loadSameAs ( $prefix = null )

loadSameAsOrg() public method

public loadSameAsOrg ( $prefix )

nodeType() public method

public nodeType ( )

parsePropertyArg() protected method

protected parsePropertyArg ( $arg )

prepareDescription() public method

public prepareDescription ( )

relations() public method

public relations ( )

serialize() public method

public serialize ( $type = "RDFXML" )

toArcTriples() public method

public toArcTriples ( $bnodes = true )

type() public method

public type ( )

types() public method

public types ( )

url() public method

Return the 'best' URL for this URI. Defaults to the URI.
public url ( )