PHP Class Horde_ActiveSync_Connector_Exporter_Sync, horde

Author: Michael J Rubinsky ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_ActiveSync_Connector_Exporter_Base
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_currentCollection array Currently syncing collection.
$_seenObjects array Local cache of object ids we have already dealt with.

Public Methods

Method Description
fetchIds ( $driver, array $collection ) Send the SYNC_FETCH response for any items requested by the client.
messageChange ( string $id, Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Base $message ) Send a message change over the wbxml stream
messageDeletion ( string $id, boolean $soft = false ) Stream a message deletion to the client.
messageMove ( Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Base $message ) Move a message to a different folder.
missingRemove ( array $collection ) Send the SYNC_REMOVE response for any items deleted from the client but were unable to be removed on the server. Usually due to not being found.
modifyFailures ( array $collection ) Send the SYNC_MODIFY response for any items modified from the client that require this response. Basically any items that have AirSyncBaseAttachments changes.
sendNextChange ( ) : boolean | Horde_Exception Sends the next change in the set to the client.
setChanges ( array $changes, array $collection = null ) Set the changes to send to the client.
syncAddResponse ( array $collection ) Send the SYNC_ADD response for any items added from the client.
syncFolderId ( array $collection ) Send the SYNC_FOLDERID value.
syncFolderType ( array $collection ) Send the SYNC_FOLDERTYPE node if needed.
syncKey ( array $collection ) Send the SYNC_SYNCKEY response appropriate for this response.
syncModifiedResponse ( array $collection ) Send the SYNC_MODIFY response for each modified item that requires this response.
syncStatus ( $statusCode ) Send the SYNC_STATUS value.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_getNextChange ( )
_sendEas16MessageResponse ( string $serverid, array $collection ) Sends the appropriate message object reply within a SYNC_ADD or SYNC_MODIFY block in a SYNC_REPLIES block for EAS >= 16 clients.
_sendNextChange ( ) Sends the next message change to the client.

Method Details

_getNextChange() protected method

protected _getNextChange ( )

_sendEas16MessageResponse() protected method

Sends the appropriate message object reply within a SYNC_ADD or SYNC_MODIFY block in a SYNC_REPLIES block for EAS >= 16 clients.
protected _sendEas16MessageResponse ( string $serverid, array $collection )
$serverid string The serverid of the message being sent.
$collection array The collection array.

_sendNextChange() protected method

Sends the next message change to the client.
protected _sendNextChange ( )

fetchIds() public method

Send the SYNC_FETCH response for any items requested by the client.
public fetchIds ( $driver, array $collection )
$collection array The collection array.

messageChange() public method

Send a message change over the wbxml stream
public messageChange ( string $id, Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Base $message )
$id string The uid of the message
$message Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Base The message object

messageDeletion() public method

Stream a message deletion to the client.
public messageDeletion ( string $id, boolean $soft = false )
$id string The uid of the message we are deleting.
$soft boolean If true, send a SOFTDELETE, otherwise a REMOVE.

messageMove() public method

Move a message to a different folder.
public messageMove ( Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Base $message )
$message Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Base The message

missingRemove() public method

Send the SYNC_REMOVE response for any items deleted from the client but were unable to be removed on the server. Usually due to not being found.
public missingRemove ( array $collection )
$collection array The collection array.

modifyFailures() public method

Send the SYNC_MODIFY response for any items modified from the client that require this response. Basically any items that have AirSyncBaseAttachments changes.
public modifyFailures ( array $collection )
$collection array The collection array.

sendNextChange() public method

Sends the next change in the set to the client.
public sendNextChange ( ) : boolean | Horde_Exception
return boolean | Horde_Exception True if more changes can be sent false if all changes were sent, Horde_Exception if there was an error sending an item.

setChanges() public method

Set the changes to send to the client.
public setChanges ( array $changes, array $collection = null )
$changes array The changes array returned from the collection handler.
$collection array The collection we are currently syncing.

syncAddResponse() public method

Send the SYNC_ADD response for any items added from the client.
public syncAddResponse ( array $collection )
$collection array The collection array.

syncFolderId() public method

Send the SYNC_FOLDERID value.
public syncFolderId ( array $collection )
$collection array The collection array.

syncFolderType() public method

Send the SYNC_FOLDERTYPE node if needed.
public syncFolderType ( array $collection )
$collection array The collection array.

syncKey() public method

Send the SYNC_SYNCKEY response appropriate for this response.
public syncKey ( array $collection )
$collection array The collection array.

syncModifiedResponse() public method

@see self::syncAddResponse()
public syncModifiedResponse ( array $collection )
$collection array The collection array.

syncStatus() public method

Send the SYNC_STATUS value.
public syncStatus ( $statusCode )

Property Details

$_currentCollection protected_oe property

Currently syncing collection.
protected array $_currentCollection
return array

$_seenObjects protected_oe property

Local cache of object ids we have already dealt with.
protected array $_seenObjects
return array