PHP Class Horde_ActiveSync_StateTest_Base, horde

Author: Michael J Rubinsky ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_Test_Case
Exibir arquivo Open project: horde/horde Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
getCollectionHandler ( $addDevice = false )
getMockDriver ( )

Protected Methods

Method Description
_loadStateTest ( ) Not much testing here yet, just run through a save and check for fatals.
_testCacheCollections ( )
_testCacheDataRestrictFields ( )
_testCacheFolders ( )
_testCacheFoldersPersistence ( )
_testCacheInitialState ( )
_testCacheRefreshCollections ( )
_testCacheUniqueness ( )
_testChangingFilterType ( ) Test detecting a change in a collection's filtertype.
_testCollectionHandler ( )
_testCollectionsFromCache ( )
_testDuplicatePIMAddition ( )
_testEmptyResponse ( )
_testGetDeviceInfo ( )
_testGetStateWithNoState ( )
_testGettingImapId ( )
_testHierarchy ( )
_testListDevices ( ) : [type]
_testLoadCollectionsFromCache ( )
_testMissingCollections ( ) Tests initiating a partial sync where 1 collection was passed from client and 2 others had to be loaded from cache.
_testPartialSyncWithChangedCollections ( ) Tests the setup for a PARTIAL sync request.
_testPartialSyncWithOnlyChangedHbInterval ( )
_testPartialSyncWithUnchangedCollections ( ) Tests the setup for a PARTIAL sync request.
_testPolicyKeys ( )
_testValidateAfterUpdateTimestamp ( )

Method Details

_loadStateTest() protected method

Not much testing here yet, just run through a save and check for fatals.
protected _loadStateTest ( )

_testCacheCollections() protected method

protected _testCacheCollections ( )

_testCacheDataRestrictFields() protected method

_testCacheFolders() protected method

protected _testCacheFolders ( )

_testCacheFoldersPersistence() protected method

_testCacheInitialState() protected method

protected _testCacheInitialState ( )

_testCacheRefreshCollections() protected method

_testCacheUniqueness() protected method

protected _testCacheUniqueness ( )

_testChangingFilterType() protected method

Test detecting a change in a collection's filtertype.
protected _testChangingFilterType ( )

_testCollectionHandler() protected method

protected _testCollectionHandler ( )

_testCollectionsFromCache() protected method

_testDuplicatePIMAddition() protected method

_testEmptyResponse() protected method

protected _testEmptyResponse ( )

_testGetDeviceInfo() protected method

protected _testGetDeviceInfo ( )

_testGetStateWithNoState() protected method

protected _testGetStateWithNoState ( )

_testGettingImapId() protected method

protected _testGettingImapId ( )

_testHierarchy() protected method

protected _testHierarchy ( )

_testListDevices() protected method

protected _testListDevices ( ) : [type]
return [type]

_testLoadCollectionsFromCache() protected method

_testMissingCollections() protected method

Tests initiating a partial sync where 1 collection was passed from client and 2 others had to be loaded from cache.
protected _testMissingCollections ( )

_testPartialSyncWithChangedCollections() protected method

Tests the setup for a PARTIAL sync request.

_testPartialSyncWithOnlyChangedHbInterval() protected method

_testPartialSyncWithUnchangedCollections() protected method

Tests the setup for a PARTIAL sync request.

_testPolicyKeys() protected method

protected _testPolicyKeys ( )

_testValidateAfterUpdateTimestamp() protected method

getCollectionHandler() public method

public getCollectionHandler ( $addDevice = false )

getMockDriver() public method

public getMockDriver ( )

Property Details

$logger protected_oe static_oe property

protected static $logger

$state protected_oe static_oe property

protected static $state