PHP Class Horde_Kolab_Format_Xml_Annotation, horde

Copyright 2008-2016 Horde LLC ( See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see
Inheritance: extends Horde_Kolab_Format_Xml
Exibir arquivo Open project: horde/horde

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_fields_specific Kolab Specific data fields for the prefs object
$_root_name string The name of the root element.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_load ( &$children ) : array Load the groupware object based on the specifc XML values.
_save ( array &$root, array $object ) : boolean Save the specific XML values.

Method Details

_load() protected method

Load the groupware object based on the specifc XML values.
protected _load ( &$children ) : array
return array Array with the object data

_save() protected method

Save the specific XML values.
protected _save ( array &$root, array $object ) : boolean
$root array The XML document root.
$object array The resulting data array.
return boolean True on success.

Property Details

$_fields_specific protected_oe property

Specific data fields for the prefs object
protected Kolab $_fields_specific
return Kolab

$_root_name protected_oe property

The name of the root element.
protected string $_root_name
return string