PHP Class Horde_Push_Recipient_Facebook, horde

Copyright 2011-2016 Horde LLC ( See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see
Inheritance: extends Horde_Push_Recipient_Base
Exibir arquivo Open project: horde/horde

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Horde_Service_Facebook $facebook, array $params = [] ) Constructor.
push ( Horde_Push $content, array $options = [] ) : string Push content to the recipient.

Protected Methods

Method Description
getAcl ( ) : string Retrieve the ACL setting for this recipient.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Horde_Service_Facebook $facebook, array $params = [] )
$facebook Horde_Service_Facebook The facebook client.
$params array The recipient configuration.

getAcl() protected method

Retrieve the ACL setting for this recipient.
protected getAcl ( ) : string
return string The ACL.

push() public method

Push content to the recipient.
public push ( Horde_Push $content, array $options = [] ) : string
$content Horde_Push The content element.
$options array Additional options.
return string The result description.