PHP Class IMP_LoginTasks_Task_PurgeSentmail, horde

Author: Jan Schneider ([email protected])
Author: Michael Slusarz ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_LoginTasks_Task
Exibir arquivo Open project: horde/horde

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( ) Constructor.
describe ( ) : string Return information for the login task.
execute ( ) : boolean Purge old messages in the sent-mail mailbox.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_getMboxes ( ) : array Returns the list of sent-mail mailboxes.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( )

_getMboxes() protected method

Returns the list of sent-mail mailboxes.
protected _getMboxes ( ) : array
return array All existing sent-mail mailboxes (IMP_Mailbox objects).

describe() public method

Return information for the login task.
public describe ( ) : string
return string Description of what the operation is going to do during this login.

execute() public method

Purge old messages in the sent-mail mailbox.
public execute ( ) : boolean
return boolean Whether any messages were purged from the mailbox.