PHP Class IMP_Mailbox_List_Virtual, horde

Author: Michael Slusarz ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends IMP_Mailbox_List
Exibir arquivo Open project: horde/horde

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_sortedMbox array The mailboxes corresponding to the sorted indices list.

Public Methods

Method Description
getArrayIndex ( $uid, $mbox = null )
getBuid ( $mbox, $uid )
getIndicesOb ( )
mailboxStart ( $total )
resolveBuid ( $buid )
unseenMessages ( $results, array $opts = [] )

Protected Methods

Method Description
_buildMailboxProcess ( IMP_Mailbox $mbox, $sorted )
_buildMailboxQuery ( )
_getMbox ( $id )
_serialize ( )
_unserialize ( $data )

Method Details

_buildMailboxProcess() protected method

protected _buildMailboxProcess ( IMP_Mailbox $mbox, $sorted )
$mbox IMP_Mailbox

_buildMailboxQuery() protected method

protected _buildMailboxQuery ( )

_getMbox() protected method

protected _getMbox ( $id )

_serialize() protected method

protected _serialize ( )

_unserialize() protected method

protected _unserialize ( $data )

getArrayIndex() public method

public getArrayIndex ( $uid, $mbox = null )

getBuid() public method

public getBuid ( $mbox, $uid )

getIndicesOb() public method

public getIndicesOb ( )

mailboxStart() public method

public mailboxStart ( $total )

resolveBuid() public method

public resolveBuid ( $buid )

unseenMessages() public method

public unseenMessages ( $results, array $opts = [] )
$opts array

Property Details

$_sortedMbox protected_oe property

The mailboxes corresponding to the sorted indices list.
protected array $_sortedMbox
return array