PHP Class IMP_Mime_Viewer_Itip, horde

Author: Mike Cochrane ([email protected])
Author: Chuck Hagenbuch ([email protected])
Author: Michael Slusarz ([email protected])
Author: Gunnar Wrobel ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_Mime_Viewer_Base
Exibir arquivo Open project: horde/horde

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_capability array This driver's display capabilities.
$_metadata array Metadata for the current viewer/data.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_autoUpdateReply ( string $type, string $sender ) : boolean Determine if we are going to auto-update the reply.
_getViewOb ( ) : Horde_View Get a Horde_View object.
_parseAttendees ( $data, $attendees )
_partstatToString ( string $value, string $default = null ) : string Translate the Participation status to string.
_render ( ) : array Return the full rendered version of the Horde_Mime_Part object.
_renderInline ( ) : array Return the rendered inline version of the Horde_Mime_Part object.
_vEvent ( $vevent, $id, $method = 'PUBLISH', $components = [] ) Generate the HTML for a vEvent.
_vEventException ( $vevent, $id, $method = 'PUBLISH' ) Generate the HTML for a vEvent.
_vFreebusy ( $vfb, $id, $method ) Generate the html for a vFreebusy.
_vTodo ( $vtodo, $id, $method ) Generate the html for a vEvent.

Method Details

_autoUpdateReply() protected method

Determine if we are going to auto-update the reply.
protected _autoUpdateReply ( string $type, string $sender ) : boolean
$type string The type of reply. Must match one of the 'auto_update_*' configuration keys in the iTip mime viewer configuration.
$sender string The sender.
return boolean

_getViewOb() protected method

Get a Horde_View object.
protected _getViewOb ( ) : Horde_View
return Horde_View View object.

_parseAttendees() protected method

protected _parseAttendees ( $data, $attendees )

_partstatToString() protected method

Translate the Participation status to string.
protected _partstatToString ( string $value, string $default = null ) : string
$value string The value of PARTSTAT.
$default string The value to return as default.
return string The translated string.

_render() protected method

Return the full rendered version of the Horde_Mime_Part object.
protected _render ( ) : array
return array See parent::render().

_renderInline() protected method

Return the rendered inline version of the Horde_Mime_Part object.
protected _renderInline ( ) : array
return array See parent::render().

_vEvent() protected method

Generate the HTML for a vEvent.
protected _vEvent ( $vevent, $id, $method = 'PUBLISH', $components = [] )

_vEventException() protected method

Generate the HTML for a vEvent.
protected _vEventException ( $vevent, $id, $method = 'PUBLISH' )

_vFreebusy() protected method

Generate the html for a vFreebusy.
protected _vFreebusy ( $vfb, $id, $method )

_vTodo() protected method

Generate the html for a vEvent.
protected _vTodo ( $vtodo, $id, $method )

Property Details

$_capability protected_oe property

This driver's display capabilities.
protected array $_capability
return array

$_metadata protected_oe property

Metadata for the current viewer/data.
protected array $_metadata
return array