PHP Class Kronolith_Driver_Horde, horde

Possible driver parameters: Copyright 2009-2016 Horde LLC ( See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you did not receive this file, see
Author: Jan Schneider ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Kronolith_Driver
Exibir arquivo Open project: horde/horde

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$api string The API (application) of the current calendar.

Public Methods

Method Description
getEvent ( $eventId = null, $start = null )
listAlarms ( $date, $fullevent = false )
open ( $calendar )

Protected Methods

Method Description
_listEvents ( Horde_Date $startDate = null, Horde_Date $endDate = null, array $options = [] ) Lists all events in the time range, optionally restricting results to only events with alarms.
_updateEvent ( Kronolith_Event $event ) : string Updates an existing event in the backend.

Method Details

_listEvents() protected method

Lists all events in the time range, optionally restricting results to only events with alarms.
protected _listEvents ( Horde_Date $startDate = null, Horde_Date $endDate = null, array $options = [] )
$startDate Horde_Date The start of range date.
$endDate Horde_Date The end of date range.
$options array Additional options: - show_recurrence: (boolean) Return every instance of a recurring event? DEFAULT: false (Only return recurring events once inside $startDate - $endDate range) - has_alarm: (boolean) Only return events with alarms. DEFAULT: false (Return all events) - json: (boolean) Store the results of the event's toJson() method? DEFAULT: false - cover_dates: (boolean) Add the events to all days that they cover? DEFAULT: true - hide_exceptions: (boolean) Hide events that represent exceptions to a recurring event. DEFAULT: false (Do not hide exception events) - fetch_tags: (boolean) Fetch tags for all events. DEFAULT: false (Do not fetch event tags)

_updateEvent() protected method

Updates an existing event in the backend.
protected _updateEvent ( Kronolith_Event $event ) : string
$event Kronolith_Event The event to save.
return string The event id.

getEvent() public method

public getEvent ( $eventId = null, $start = null )

listAlarms() public method

public listAlarms ( $date, $fullevent = false )

open() public method

public open ( $calendar )

Property Details

$api public_oe property

The API (application) of the current calendar.
public string $api
return string