PHP Class Kronolith_Driver_Kolab, horde

Copyright 2004-2015 Horde LLC ( See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you did not receive this file, see
Author: Thomas Jarosch ([email protected])
Author: Gunnar Wrobel ([email protected])
Author: Stuart Binge ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Kronolith_Driver
Exibir arquivo Open project: horde/horde

Public Methods

Method Description
backgroundColor ( ) : string Returns the background color of the current calendar.
delete ( string $calendar ) Delete all of a calendar's events.
exists ( string $uid, string $calendar_id = null ) : string | boolean Checks if the event's UID already exists and returns all event ids with that UID.
getByUID ( string $uid, array $calendars = null, boolean $getAll = false ) : Kronolith_Event Get an event or events with the given UID value.
getEvent ( $eventId = null )
initialize ( ) Attempts to open a Kolab Groupware folder.
listAlarms ( $date, $fullevent = false )
open ( string $calendar ) Selects a calendar as the currently opened calendar.
reset ( ) Reset internal variable on share change
synchronize ( boolean $force = false, $token = false ) Synchronize kolab storage backend.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_addEvent ( Kronolith_Event $event ) : string Adds an event to the backend.
_deleteEvent ( string $eventId, $silent = false ) Deletes an event.
_listEvents ( Horde_Date $startDate = null, Horde_Date $endDate = null, array $options = [] ) Lists all events in the time range, optionally restricting results to only events with alarms.
_move ( string $eventId, string $newCalendar ) : Kronolith_Event Moves an event to a new calendar.
_saveEvent ( Kronolith_Event $event, $edit ) : string Saves an event in the backend.
_updateEvent ( Kronolith_Event $event ) : string Updates an existing event in the backend.

Method Details

_addEvent() protected method

Adds an event to the backend.
protected _addEvent ( Kronolith_Event $event ) : string
$event Kronolith_Event The event to save.
return string The event id.

_deleteEvent() protected method

Deletes an event.
protected _deleteEvent ( string $eventId, $silent = false )
$eventId string The ID of the event to delete.

_listEvents() protected method

Lists all events in the time range, optionally restricting results to only events with alarms.
protected _listEvents ( Horde_Date $startDate = null, Horde_Date $endDate = null, array $options = [] )
$startDate Horde_Date The start of range date.
$endDate Horde_Date The end of date range.
$options array Additional options: - show_recurrence: (boolean) Return every instance of a recurring event? DEFAULT: false (Only return recurring events once inside $startDate - $endDate range) - has_alarm: (boolean) Only return events with alarms. DEFAULT: false (Return all events) - json: (boolean) Store the results of the event's toJson() method? DEFAULT: false - cover_dates: (boolean) Add the events to all days that they cover? DEFAULT: true - hide_exceptions: (boolean) Hide events that represent exceptions to a recurring event. DEFAULT: false (Do not hide exception events) - fetch_tags: (boolean) Fetch tags for all events. DEFAULT: false (Do not fetch event tags)

_move() protected method

Moves an event to a new calendar.
protected _move ( string $eventId, string $newCalendar ) : Kronolith_Event
$eventId string The event to move.
$newCalendar string The new calendar.
return Kronolith_Event The old event.

_saveEvent() protected method

Saves an event in the backend.
protected _saveEvent ( Kronolith_Event $event, $edit ) : string
$event Kronolith_Event The event to save.
return string The event id.

_updateEvent() protected method

Updates an existing event in the backend.
protected _updateEvent ( Kronolith_Event $event ) : string
$event Kronolith_Event The event to save.
return string The event id.

backgroundColor() public method

Returns the background color of the current calendar.
public backgroundColor ( ) : string
return string The calendar color.

delete() public method

Delete all of a calendar's events.
public delete ( string $calendar )
$calendar string The name of the calendar to delete.

exists() public method

Checks if the event's UID already exists and returns all event ids with that UID.
public exists ( string $uid, string $calendar_id = null ) : string | boolean
$uid string The event's uid.
$calendar_id string Calendar to search in.
return string | boolean Returns a string with event_id or false if not found.

getByUID() public method

Get an event or events with the given UID value.
public getByUID ( string $uid, array $calendars = null, boolean $getAll = false ) : Kronolith_Event
$uid string The UID to match
$calendars array A restricted array of calendar ids to search
$getAll boolean Return all matching events? If this is false, an error will be returned if more than one event is found.
return Kronolith_Event

getEvent() public method

public getEvent ( $eventId = null )

initialize() public method

Attempts to open a Kolab Groupware folder.
public initialize ( )

listAlarms() public method

public listAlarms ( $date, $fullevent = false )

open() public method

Selects a calendar as the currently opened calendar.
public open ( string $calendar )
$calendar string A calendar identifier.

reset() public method

Reset internal variable on share change
public reset ( )

synchronize() public method

We delay initial synchronization to the first use so multiple calendars don't add to the total latency. This function must be called before all internal driver functions.
public synchronize ( boolean $force = false, $token = false )
$force boolean If true, forces synchronization, even if we have already done so.