PHP Class Minify_Cache_WinCache, minify

Minify::setCache(new Minify_Cache_WinCache());
Author: Matthias Fax
Inheritance: implements Minify_CacheInterface
Exibir arquivo Open project: mrclay/minify Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( integer $expire ) Create a Minify_Cache_Wincache object, to be passed to Minify::setCache().
display ( string $id ) Send the cached content to output
fetch ( string $id ) : string Fetch the cached content
getSize ( string $id ) : integer Get the size of a cache entry
isValid ( string $id, integer $srcMtime ) : boolean Does a valid cache entry exist?
store ( string $id, string $data ) : boolean Write data to cache.

Private Methods

Method Description
_fetch ( string $id ) : boolean Fetch data and timestamp from WinCache, store in instance

Method Details

__construct() public method

Create a Minify_Cache_Wincache object, to be passed to Minify::setCache().
public __construct ( integer $expire )
$expire integer seconds until expiration (default = 0 meaning the item will not get an expiration date)

display() public method

Send the cached content to output
public display ( string $id )
$id string cache id

fetch() public method

Fetch the cached content
public fetch ( string $id ) : string
$id string cache id
return string

getSize() public method

Get the size of a cache entry
public getSize ( string $id ) : integer
$id string cache id
return integer size in bytes

isValid() public method

Does a valid cache entry exist?
public isValid ( string $id, integer $srcMtime ) : boolean
$id string cache id
$srcMtime integer mtime of the original source file(s)
return boolean exists

store() public method

Write data to cache.
public store ( string $id, string $data ) : boolean
$id string cache id
$data string
return boolean success