PHP Class OphCoTherapyapplication_DecisionTreeNodeRule

Each rule applies to its specified node to determine if that node is the next point in the decision tree, based on the response given for its parent node. More than one rule may apply for a given node (to allow specific ranges)
Inheritance: extends BaseActiveRecordVersioned
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Public Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
checkValue ( $val )
displayParentCheck ( )
displayParentCheckValue ( ) : string generate the display value of the parent check value on this rule.
getDefinition ( ) * Works out a full abstract definition of the rule.
model ( $className = __CLASS__ ) : the Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
relations ( ) : array
rules ( ) : array
tableName ( ) : string

Method Details

checkValue() public method

public checkValue ( $val )

displayParentCheck() public method

public displayParentCheck ( )

displayParentCheckValue() public method

generate the display value of the parent check value on this rule.
public displayParentCheckValue ( ) : string
return string display value

getDefinition() public method

* Works out a full abstract definition of the rule.
public getDefinition ( )

model() public static method

Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
public static model ( $className = __CLASS__ ) : the
return the static model class

relations() public method

public relations ( ) : array
return array relational rules.

rules() public method

public rules ( ) : array
return array validation rules for model attributes.

tableName() public method

public tableName ( ) : string
return string the associated database table name

Property Details

$COMPARATORS public_oe property