PHP Class rootDoc

Inheritance: extends Doc
Exibir arquivo Open project: peej/phpdoctor Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$_packages packageDoc[] The parsed packages.
$_phpdoctor phpdoctor Reference to the PHPDoctor application object.
$_sources str[] The parsed contents of the source files

Public Methods

Method Description
addPackage ( &$package ) Add a package to this root.
addSource ( $filename, $source, $fileData ) Add a source file to this root.
classNamed ( $name ) : ClassDoc Return a reference to a classDoc for the specified class/interface name
classes ( ) : ClassDoc[] Return a reference to the classes and interfaces to be documented.
functions ( ) : MethodDoc[] Return a reference to the functions to be documented.
globals ( ) : FieldDoc[] Return a reference to the globals to be documented.
options ( ) : str[] Return a reference to the set options.
packageNamed ( $name, $create = FALSE ) : PackageDoc Return a reference to a packageDoc for the specified package name. If a package of the requested name does not exist, this method will create the package object, add it to the root and return it.
packages ( ) : PackageDoc[] Return a reference to the packages to be documented.
phpdoctor ( ) : PHPDoctor. Return a reference to the PHPDoctor application object.
rootDoc ( &$phpdoctor ) Constructor
sources ( ) : str[] Return a reference to the source files to be documented.

Method Details

addPackage() public method

Add a package to this root.
public addPackage ( &$package )

addSource() public method

Add a source file to this root.
public addSource ( $filename, $source, $fileData )

classNamed() public method

Return a reference to a classDoc for the specified class/interface name
public classNamed ( $name ) : ClassDoc
return ClassDoc

classes() public method

Return a reference to the classes and interfaces to be documented.
public classes ( ) : ClassDoc[]
return ClassDoc[]

functions() public method

Return a reference to the functions to be documented.
public functions ( ) : MethodDoc[]
return MethodDoc[]

globals() public method

Return a reference to the globals to be documented.
public globals ( ) : FieldDoc[]
return FieldDoc[]

options() public method

Return a reference to the set options.
public options ( ) : str[]
return str[] An array of strings.

packageNamed() public method

Return a reference to a packageDoc for the specified package name. If a package of the requested name does not exist, this method will create the package object, add it to the root and return it.
public packageNamed ( $name, $create = FALSE ) : PackageDoc
return PackageDoc

packages() public method

Return a reference to the packages to be documented.
public packages ( ) : PackageDoc[]
return PackageDoc[]

phpdoctor() public method

Return a reference to the PHPDoctor application object.
public phpdoctor ( ) : PHPDoctor.
return PHPDoctor.

rootDoc() public method

public rootDoc ( &$phpdoctor )

sources() public method

Return a reference to the source files to be documented.
public sources ( ) : str[]
return str[]

Property Details

$_packages public_oe property

The parsed packages.
public packageDoc[] $_packages
return packageDoc[]

$_phpdoctor public_oe property

Reference to the PHPDoctor application object.
public phpdoctor $_phpdoctor
return phpdoctor

$_sources public_oe property

The parsed contents of the source files
public str[] $_sources
return str[]