PHP Class App\Listeners\UpdateLastfmNowPlaying

Exibir arquivo Open project: phanan/koel

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$lastfm App\services\Lastfm The service instance.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Lastfm $lastfm ) Create the event listener.
handle ( SongStartedPlaying $event ) Handle the event.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Create the event listener.
public __construct ( Lastfm $lastfm )
$lastfm App\services\Lastfm

handle() public method

Handle the event.
public handle ( SongStartedPlaying $event )
$event App\Events\SongStartedPlaying

Property Details

$lastfm protected_oe property

The service instance.
protected Lastfm,App\Services $lastfm
return App\services\Lastfm