PHP Class Baikal\Core\Server

This class sets up the underlying Sabre\DAV\Server object.
Author: Evert Pot (
Exibir arquivo Open project: jeromeschneider/baikal

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$authRealm string HTTP authentication realm
$authType string "Basic" or "Digest"
$baseUri string baseUri for the sabre/dav server
$enableCalDAV boolean Is CalDAV enabled?
$enableCardDAV boolean is CardDAV enabled?
$pdo PDO Reference to Database object
$server Sabre\DAV\Server The sabre/dav Server object

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( boolean $enableCalDAV, boolean $enableCardDAV, string $authType, string $authRealm, PDO $pdo, string $baseUri ) Creates the server object.
start ( ) : void Starts processing

Protected Methods

Method Description
initServer ( ) : void Initializes the server object

Method Details

__construct() public method

Creates the server object.
public __construct ( boolean $enableCalDAV, boolean $enableCardDAV, string $authType, string $authRealm, PDO $pdo, string $baseUri )
$enableCalDAV boolean
$enableCardDAV boolean
$authType string
$authRealm string
$pdo PDO
$baseUri string

initServer() protected method

Initializes the server object
protected initServer ( ) : void
return void

start() public method

Starts processing
public start ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

$authRealm protected_oe property

HTTP authentication realm
protected string $authRealm
return string

$authType protected_oe property

"Basic" or "Digest"
protected string $authType
return string

$baseUri protected_oe property

baseUri for the sabre/dav server
protected string $baseUri
return string

$enableCalDAV protected_oe property

Is CalDAV enabled?
protected bool $enableCalDAV
return boolean

$enableCardDAV protected_oe property

is CardDAV enabled?
protected bool $enableCardDAV
return boolean

$pdo protected_oe property

Reference to Database object
protected PDO $pdo
return PDO

$server protected_oe property

The sabre/dav Server object
protected Server,Sabre\DAV $server
return Sabre\DAV\Server