PHP Class Barryvdh\Debugbar\DataCollector\FilesCollector

Inheritance: extends DebugBar\DataCollector\DataCollector, implements DebugBar\DataCollector\Renderable
Exibir arquivo Open project: barryvdh/laravel-debugbar

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$app Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app = null )
collect ( ) {@inheritDoc}
getName ( ) {@inheritDoc}
getWidgets ( ) {@inheritDoc}

Protected Methods

Method Description
getCompiledFiles ( ) : array Get the files that are going to be compiled, so they aren't as important.
getIncludedFiles ( ) : array Get the files included on load.
stripBasePath ( $path ) : string Remove the basePath from the paths, so they are relative to the base

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application $app = null )
$app Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application

collect() public method

public collect ( )

getCompiledFiles() protected method

Get the files that are going to be compiled, so they aren't as important.
protected getCompiledFiles ( ) : array
return array

getIncludedFiles() protected method

Get the files included on load.
protected getIncludedFiles ( ) : array
return array

getName() public method

public getName ( )

getWidgets() public method

public getWidgets ( )

stripBasePath() protected method

Remove the basePath from the paths, so they are relative to the base
protected stripBasePath ( $path ) : string
return string

Property Details

$app protected_oe property

protected Application,Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation $app
return Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application

$basePath protected_oe property

protected $basePath