PHP Class Cake\Chronos\Date

This class is useful when you want to represent a calendar date and ignore times. This means that timezone changes take no effect as a calendar date exists in all timezones in each respective date.
Inheritance: extends DateTimeImmutabl\DateTimeImmutable, implements Cake\Chronos\ChronosInterface, use trait Cake\Chronos\Traits\ComparisonTrait, use trait Cake\Chronos\Traits\DifferenceTrait, use trait Cake\Chronos\Traits\FactoryTrait, use trait Cake\Chronos\Traits\FormattingTrait, use trait Cake\Chronos\Traits\FrozenTimeTrait, use trait Cake\Chronos\Traits\MagicPropertyTrait, use trait Cake\Chronos\Traits\ModifierTrait, use trait Cake\Chronos\Traits\TestingAidTrait
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$toStringFormat string Format to use for __toString method when type juggling occurs.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string | null $time = 'now', DateTimeZon\DateTimeZone | string | null $tz = null ) Create a new Immutable Date instance.
toMutable ( ) : MutableDate Create a new mutable instance from current immutable instance.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Please see the testing aids section (specifically static::setTestNow()) for more on the possibility of this constructor returning a test instance. Date instances lack time components, however due to limitations in PHP's internal Datetime object the time will always be set to 00:00:00, and the timezone will always be UTC. Normalizing the timezone allows for subtraction/addition to have deterministic results.
public __construct ( string | null $time = 'now', DateTimeZon\DateTimeZone | string | null $tz = null )
$time string | null Fixed or relative time
$tz DateTimeZon\DateTimeZone | string | null The timezone for the instance

toMutable() public method

Create a new mutable instance from current immutable instance.
public toMutable ( ) : MutableDate
return MutableDate

Property Details

$toStringFormat protected_oe static_oe property

Format to use for __toString method when type juggling occurs.
protected static string $toStringFormat
return string