PHP Class CloudFlare\User

User The currently logged in/authenticated User
Author: James Bell ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Api
Exibir arquivo Open project: jamesryanbell/cloudflare Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
change_email ( string $email, string $confirm_email, string $password ) Change your email address. Note: You must provide your current password.
change_password ( string $old_password, string $new_password, string $new_password_confirm ) Change your password
change_username ( string $username, string $password ) Change your username. Note: You must provide your current password.
disable_two_factor_authentication ( $auth_token ) Disable two-factor authentication for your CloudFlare user account
finalize_two_factor_authentication ( integer $auth_token ) Finish setting up CloudFlare two-factor authentication with a given telephone number
initialize_two_factor_authentication ( integer $country_code, string $mobile_phone_number, string $current_password ) Begin setting up CloudFlare two-factor authentication with a given telephone number
update ( string | null $first_name = null, string | null $last_name = null, string | null $telephone = null, string | null $country = null, string | null $zipcode = null ) Update user Update part of your user details
user ( ) User details

Method Details

change_email() public method

Change your email address. Note: You must provide your current password.
public change_email ( string $email, string $confirm_email, string $password )
$email string Your contact email address
$confirm_email string Your contact email address, repeated
$password string Your current password

change_password() public method

Change your password
public change_password ( string $old_password, string $new_password, string $new_password_confirm )
$old_password string Your current password
$new_password string Your new password
$new_password_confirm string Your new password, repeated

change_username() public method

Change your username. Note: You must provide your current password.
public change_username ( string $username, string $password )
$username string A username used to access other cloudflare services, like support
$password string Your current password

disable_two_factor_authentication() public method

Disable two-factor authentication for your CloudFlare user account
public disable_two_factor_authentication ( $auth_token )

finalize_two_factor_authentication() public method

Finish setting up CloudFlare two-factor authentication with a given telephone number
public finalize_two_factor_authentication ( integer $auth_token )
$auth_token integer The token provided by the two-factor authenticator

initialize_two_factor_authentication() public method

Begin setting up CloudFlare two-factor authentication with a given telephone number
public initialize_two_factor_authentication ( integer $country_code, string $mobile_phone_number, string $current_password )
$country_code integer The country code of your mobile phone number
$mobile_phone_number string Your mobile phone number
$current_password string Your current CloudFlare password

update() public method

Update user Update part of your user details
public update ( string | null $first_name = null, string | null $last_name = null, string | null $telephone = null, string | null $country = null, string | null $zipcode = null )
$first_name string | null User's first name
$last_name string | null User's last name
$telephone string | null User's telephone number
$country string | null The country in which the user lives. (Full list is here:
$zipcode string | null The zipcode or postal code where the user lives.

user() public method

User details
public user ( )