PHP Class Common\Mailer\TransportFactory

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Public Methods

Method Description
create ( string $type = 'mail', string $server = null, integer $port = 25, string $user = null, string $pass = null, string $encryption = null ) : Swift_Transport Create The right transport instance based on some settings

Private Methods

Method Description
getMailTransport ( ) : Swift_MailTransport Create a new PHP Mailer Transport instance.
getSmtpTransport ( string $server, string $port, string $user, string $pass, string $encryption = null ) : Swift_SmtpTransport Create a new Smtp Mailer Transport instance.

Method Details

create() public static method

Create The right transport instance based on some settings
public static create ( string $type = 'mail', string $server = null, integer $port = 25, string $user = null, string $pass = null, string $encryption = null ) : Swift_Transport
$type string
$server string
$port integer
$user string
$pass string
$encryption string
return Swift_Transport