PHP Class DebugKit\Panel\CachePanel

Inheritance: extends DebugKit\DebugPanel
Exibir arquivo Open project: cakephp/debug_kit

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_instances DebugKit\Cache\Engine\DebugEngine[] The cache spy instances used.

Public Methods

Method Description
data ( ) : array Get the data for this panel
initialize ( ) : void Initialize - install cache spies.

Method Details

data() public method

Get the data for this panel
public data ( ) : array
return array

initialize() public method

Initialize - install cache spies.
public initialize ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

$_instances protected_oe property

The cache spy instances used.
protected DebugEngine[],DebugKit\Cache\Engine $_instances
return DebugKit\Cache\Engine\DebugEngine[]