PHP Class eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\Tests\RichText\Converter\Xslt\DocbookToXhtml5OutputTest

Inheritance: extends BaseTest
Exibir arquivo Open project: ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel

Public Methods

Method Description
getFixtureSubdirectories ( ) : array Returns subdirectories for input and output fixtures.

Protected Methods

Method Description
getConversionTransformationStylesheet ( ) : string Return the absolute path to conversion transformation stylesheet.
getConversionValidationSchema ( ) : string[] Return an array of absolute paths to conversion result validation schemas.
getCustomConversionTransformationStylesheets ( ) : array Return custom XSLT stylesheets configuration.

Method Details

getConversionTransformationStylesheet() protected method

Return the absolute path to conversion transformation stylesheet.

getConversionValidationSchema() protected method

Return an array of absolute paths to conversion result validation schemas.
protected getConversionValidationSchema ( ) : string[]
return string[]

getCustomConversionTransformationStylesheets() protected method

Stylesheet paths must be absolute. Code example: array( array( "path" => __DIR__ . "/core.xsl", "priority" => 100 ), array( "path" => __DIR__ . "/custom.xsl", "priority" => 99 ), )

getFixtureSubdirectories() public method

The test will try to match each XML file in input directory with the file of the same name in the output directory. It is possible to test lossy conversion as well (say legacy ezxml). To use this file name of the fixture that is converted with data loss needs to end with .lossy.xml. As input test with this fixture will be skipped, but as output fixture it will be matched to the input fixture file of the same name but without .lossy part. Comments in fixtures are removed before conversion, so be free to use comments inside fixtures for documentation as needed.
public getFixtureSubdirectories ( ) : array
return array