PHP Class FluidTYPO3\Vhs\ViewHelpers\Media\YoutubeViewHelper

Inheritance: extends TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractTagBasedViewHelper
Exibir arquivo Open project: fluidtypo3/vhs

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$tagName string

Public Methods

Method Description
initializeArguments ( ) : void Initialize arguments.
render ( ) : string Render method

Private Methods

Method Description
getSourceUrl ( string $videoId ) : string Returns video source url according to provided arguments
renderChildTag ( string $tagName, array $attributes = [], boolean $forceClosingTag = false ) : string Renders the provided tag and its attributes

Method Details

initializeArguments() public method

Initialize arguments.
public initializeArguments ( ) : void
return void

render() public method

Render method
public render ( ) : string
return string

Property Details

$tagName protected_oe property

protected string $tagName
return string