PHP Class FOF30\Form\Field\GenericList

Inheritance: extends JFormFieldList, implements FOF30\Form\FieldInterface
Exibir arquivo Open project: akeeba/fof Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$item FOF30\Model\DataModel The item being rendered in a repeatable form field
$rowid integer A monotonically increasing number, denoting the row number in a repeatable view

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$form FOF30\Form\Form The Form object of the form attached to the form field.
$repeatable Repeatable field output
$static Static field output

Public Methods

Method Description
__get ( string $name ) : mixed Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
getOptionName ( array $data, mixed $selected = null, string $optKey = 'value', string $optText = 'text', boolean $selectFirst = true ) : mixed Gets the active option's label given an array of JHtml options
getRepeatable ( ) : string Get the rendering of this field type for a repeatable (grid) display, e.g. in a view listing many item (typically a "browse" task)
getStatic ( ) : string Get the rendering of this field type for static display, e.g. in a single item view (typically a "read" task).

Protected Methods

Method Description
getOptions ( ) : array Method to get the field options.
parseFieldTags ( string $text ) : string Replace string with tags that reference fields

Method Details

__get() public method

Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
Since: 2.0
public __get ( string $name ) : mixed
$name string The property name for which to the the value.
return mixed The property value or null.

getOptionName() public static method

Gets the active option's label given an array of JHtml options
public static getOptionName ( array $data, mixed $selected = null, string $optKey = 'value', string $optText = 'text', boolean $selectFirst = true ) : mixed
$data array The JHtml options to parse
$selected mixed The currently selected value
$optKey string Key name
$optText string Value name
$selectFirst boolean Should I automatically select the first option?
return mixed The label of the currently selected option

getOptions() protected method

Ordering is disabled by default. You can enable ordering by setting the 'order' element in your form field. The other order values are optional. - order What to order. Possible values: 'name' or 'value' (default = false) - order_dir Order direction. Possible values: 'asc' = Ascending or 'desc' = Descending (default = 'asc') - order_case_sensitive Order case sensitive. Possible values: 'true' or 'false' (default = false)
protected getOptions ( ) : array
return array The field option objects.

getRepeatable() public method

Get the rendering of this field type for a repeatable (grid) display, e.g. in a view listing many item (typically a "browse" task)
Since: 2.0
public getRepeatable ( ) : string
return string The field HTML

getStatic() public method

Get the rendering of this field type for static display, e.g. in a single item view (typically a "read" task).
Since: 2.0
public getStatic ( ) : string
return string The field HTML

parseFieldTags() protected method

Replace string with tags that reference fields
protected parseFieldTags ( string $text ) : string
$text string Text to process
return string Text with tags replace

Property Details

$form protected_oe property

The Form object of the form attached to the form field.
protected Form,FOF30\Form $form
return FOF30\Form\Form

$item public_oe property

The item being rendered in a repeatable form field
public DataModel,FOF30\Model $item
return FOF30\Model\DataModel

$repeatable protected_oe property

Repeatable field output
protected $repeatable

$rowid public_oe property

A monotonically increasing number, denoting the row number in a repeatable view
public int $rowid
return integer

$static protected_oe property

Static field output
protected $static