PHP Class GameBoy\LcdController

Exibir arquivo Open project: gabrielrcouto/php-terminal-gameboy-emulator

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$LCDisOn Is the emulated LCD controller on?
$LYCMatchTriggerSTAT Should we trigger an interrupt if LY==LYC?
$STATTracker Tracker for STAT triggering.
$actualScanLine ..
$mode0TriggerSTAT Should we trigger an interrupt if in mode 0?
$mode1TriggerSTAT Should we trigger an interrupt if in mode 1?
$mode2TriggerSTAT Should we trigger an interrupt if in mode 2?
$modeSTAT The scan line mode (for lines 1-144 it's 2-3-0, for 145-154 it's 1)

Protected Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $core )
matchLYC ( )
notifyScanline ( )
scanLine ( integer $line ) Scan Line and STAT Mode Control
scanLineMode0 ( )
scanLineMode2 ( )
scanLineMode3 ( )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( $core )

matchLYC() public method

public matchLYC ( )

notifyScanline() public method

public notifyScanline ( )

scanLine() public method

Scan Line and STAT Mode Control
public scanLine ( integer $line )
$line integer Memory Scanline

scanLineMode0() public method

public scanLineMode0 ( )

scanLineMode2() public method

public scanLineMode2 ( )

scanLineMode3() public method

public scanLineMode3 ( )

Property Details

$LCDisOn public_oe property

Is the emulated LCD controller on?
public $LCDisOn

$LYCMatchTriggerSTAT public_oe property

Should we trigger an interrupt if LY==LYC?
public $LYCMatchTriggerSTAT

$STATTracker public_oe property

Tracker for STAT triggering.
public $STATTracker

$actualScanLine public_oe property

public $actualScanLine

$core protected_oe property

protected $core

$mode0TriggerSTAT public_oe property

Should we trigger an interrupt if in mode 0?
public $mode0TriggerSTAT

$mode1TriggerSTAT public_oe property

Should we trigger an interrupt if in mode 1?
public $mode1TriggerSTAT

$mode2TriggerSTAT public_oe property

Should we trigger an interrupt if in mode 2?
public $mode2TriggerSTAT

$modeSTAT public_oe property

The scan line mode (for lines 1-144 it's 2-3-0, for 145-154 it's 1)
public $modeSTAT