PHP Class JoliTypo\StateBag

Exibir arquivo Open project: jolicode/jolitypo Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$currentDepth integer
$currentNode StateNode
$siblingNode array

Public Methods

Method Description
fixSiblingNode ( string $key, string $new_content ) Replace and destroy the content of a stored Node.
getCurrentDepth ( ) : integer
getSiblingNode ( string $key ) : boolean | StateNode
setCurrentDepth ( integer $currentDepth )
setCurrentNode ( StateNode $currentNode )
storeSiblingNode ( string $key ) Save the current StateNode, edit MAY be done to it later.

Method Details

fixSiblingNode() public method

Replace and destroy the content of a stored Node.
public fixSiblingNode ( string $key, string $new_content )
$key string
$new_content string

getCurrentDepth() public method

public getCurrentDepth ( ) : integer
return integer

getSiblingNode() public method

public getSiblingNode ( string $key ) : boolean | StateNode
$key string
return boolean | StateNode

setCurrentDepth() public method

public setCurrentDepth ( integer $currentDepth )
$currentDepth integer

setCurrentNode() public method

public setCurrentNode ( StateNode $currentNode )
$currentNode StateNode

storeSiblingNode() public method

Save the current StateNode, edit MAY be done to it later.
public storeSiblingNode ( string $key )
$key string

Property Details

$currentDepth protected_oe property

protected int $currentDepth
return integer

$currentNode protected_oe property

protected StateNode,jolitypo $currentNode
return StateNode

$siblingNode protected_oe property

protected array $siblingNode
return array