PHP Class Kahlan\Reporter\Coverage\Collector

Exibir arquivo Open project: crysalead/kahlan Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_classes array Class dependencies.
$_collectors array Stack of active collectors.
$_coverage array The coverage data.
$_driver object The driver instance which will log the coverage data.
$_files array The files presents in Collector::_paths.
$_metrics array The metrics.
$_paths array The path(s) which contain the code source files.
$_prefix string Some prefix to remove to get the real file path.
$_processed array Temps cache of processed lines
$_tree array Cache all parsed files

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( array $config = [] ) The Constructor.
add ( array $coverage ) : array Adds some coverage data to the collector.
addFile ( string $file, array $coverage ) Adds some coverage data to the collector.
base ( ) : string Gets the base path used to compute relative paths.
collectable ( string $file ) : boolean Checks if a filename is collectable.
driver ( ) : object Gets the used driver.
export ( $file = null ) : array Exports coverage data.
metrics ( ) : Metrics Gets the collected metrics from coverage data.
parse ( string $file ) Retruns & cache the tree structure of a file.
realpath ( string $file ) : string Gets the real path in the original src directory.
start ( ) : boolean Starts collecting coverage data.
stop ( $mergeToParent = true ) : boolean Stops collecting coverage data.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_coverage ( string $file, array $coverage ) Helper for Collector::addFile().
_lineMetric ( string $type, integer $index, integer $value, integer $increment = 1 ) : integer Helper for Collector::metrics().
_methodMetrics ( object $node, array $metrics ) : array Helper for Collector::metrics().
_processMetrics ( string $file, object $node, array $coverage ) : array Helper for Collector::metrics().
_processNode ( string $file, object $node, array $coverage, string $path ) Helper for Collector::metrics().
_processTree ( string $file, object $nodes, array $coverage, string $path = '' ) Helper for Collector::metrics().

Method Details

__construct() public method

The Constructor.
public __construct ( array $config = [] )
$config array Possible options values are: - `'driver'` _object_: the driver instance which will log the coverage data. - `'path'` _array_ : the path(s) which contain the code source files. - `'base'` _string_: the base path of the repo (default: `getcwd`). - `'prefix'` _string_: some prefix to remove to get the real file path.

_coverage() protected method

Helper for Collector::addFile().
protected _coverage ( string $file, array $coverage )
$file string A file path.
$coverage array Some coverage related to the file path.

_lineMetric() protected method

Helper for Collector::metrics().
protected _lineMetric ( string $type, integer $index, integer $value, integer $increment = 1 ) : integer
$type string The metric type.
$index integer The line index.
$value integer The value to update.
$increment integer The increment to perform if the line has not already been processed.
return integer The metric value.

_methodMetrics() protected method

Helper for Collector::metrics().
protected _methodMetrics ( object $node, array $metrics ) : array
$node object The node to collect metrics on.
$metrics array The metrics of the node.
return array The updated metrics.

_processMetrics() protected method

Helper for Collector::metrics().
protected _processMetrics ( string $file, object $node, array $coverage ) : array
$file string The processed file.
$node object The node to collect metrics on.
$coverage array The coverage data.
return array The collected metrics.

_processNode() protected method

Helper for Collector::metrics().
protected _processNode ( string $file, object $node, array $coverage, string $path )
$file string The processed file.
$node object The node to collect metrics on.
$coverage array The coverage data.
$path string The naming of the processed node.

_processTree() protected method

Helper for Collector::metrics().
protected _processTree ( string $file, object $nodes, array $coverage, string $path = '' )
$file string The processed file.
$nodes object The nodes to collect metrics on.
$coverage array The coverage data.
$path string The naming of the processed node.

add() public method

Adds some coverage data to the collector.
public add ( array $coverage ) : array
$coverage array Some coverage data.
return array The current coverage data.

addFile() public method

Adds some coverage data to the collector.
public addFile ( string $file, array $coverage )
$file string A file path.
$coverage array Some coverage related to the file path.

base() public method

Gets the base path used to compute relative paths.
public base ( ) : string
return string

collectable() public method

Checks if a filename is collectable.
public collectable ( string $file ) : boolean
$file string A file path.
return boolean

driver() public method

Gets the used driver.
public driver ( ) : object
return object

export() public method

Exports coverage data.
public export ( $file = null ) : array
return array The coverage data.

metrics() public method

Gets the collected metrics from coverage data.
public metrics ( ) : Metrics
return Metrics The collected metrics.

parse() public method

Retruns & cache the tree structure of a file.
public parse ( string $file )
$file string the file path to use for building the tree structure.

realpath() public method

Gets the real path in the original src directory.
public realpath ( string $file ) : string
$file string A file path or cached file path.
return string The original file path.

start() public method

Starts collecting coverage data.
public start ( ) : boolean
return boolean

stop() public method

Stops collecting coverage data.
public stop ( $mergeToParent = true ) : boolean
return boolean

Property Details

$_classes protected_oe property

Class dependencies.
protected array $_classes
return array

$_collectors protected_oe static_oe property

Stack of active collectors.
protected static array $_collectors
return array

$_coverage protected_oe property

The coverage data.
protected array $_coverage
return array

$_driver protected_oe property

The driver instance which will log the coverage data.
protected object $_driver
return object

$_files protected_oe property

The files presents in Collector::_paths.
protected array $_files
return array

$_metrics protected_oe property

The metrics.
protected array $_metrics
return array

$_paths protected_oe property

The path(s) which contain the code source files.
protected array $_paths
return array

$_prefix protected_oe property

Some prefix to remove to get the real file path.
protected string $_prefix
return string

$_processed protected_oe property

Temps cache of processed lines
protected array $_processed
return array

$_tree protected_oe property

Cache all parsed files
protected array $_tree
return array