Method |
Description |
__construct ( string $domainName = '' ) |
getBaseDn ( ) : string |
The base distinguished name in use. |
getBindFormat ( ) : string |
Get the format a username should be bound as. |
getConnectTimeout ( ) : integer |
Get the initial connection timeout value (seconds). This is how long it will wait when making the initial
connection attempt to the LDAP server before it considers it unreachable/down. |
getDomainName ( ) : string |
Get the fully qualified domain name. |
getEncoding ( ) : string |
Get the encoding type to use. |
getIdleReconnect ( ) : integer |
Get the elapsed time (in seconds) when an idle connection will attempt to reconnect to LDAP. A value of 0 means
never. |
getLazyBind ( ) : boolean |
Get whether or not the connection should bind on construction, or what until necessary. |
getLdapOptions ( ) : array |
Get the array of LDAP_OPT_* constants and values that will be used when connecting. |
getLdapType ( ) : string |
Get the LDAP type set for this domain (ie. Active Directory, OpenLDAP, etc). |
getOperationInvoker ( ) : LdapTools\Operation\Invoker\LdapOperationInvokerInterface |
Get the operation invoker used in the LDAP connection. |
getPageSize ( ) : integer |
Get the page size for paging operations. |
getPassword ( ) : string |
Set the password to use when binding. |
getPort ( ) : integer |
Get the port number to connect to. |
getSchemaName ( ) : string |
Get the schema name set for this domain. If none is set explicitly, it will return the LDAP type name. |
getServerSelection ( ) : mixed |
Get the server selection method to be used. |
getServers ( ) : array |
Get the LDAP server names or IP addresses. |
getUsePaging ( ) : boolean |
Get whether or not LDAP paging control should be used. |
getUseSsl ( ) : boolean |
Whether SSL will be used for the connection or not. |
getUseTls ( ) : boolean |
Get whether TLS will be used for the connection or not. |
getUsername ( ) : string |
Get the username to use when binding. |
load ( array $config ) |
Load a configuration from an array of values. The keys must be the same name as their YAML config
names. |
setBaseDn ( string $baseDn ) |
The base distinguished name to use (ie. "dc=example,dc=com"). |
setBindFormat ( string $bindFormat ) |
Set the format a username should be bound as. |
setConnectTimeout ( $seconds ) |
Set the initial connection timeout value (seconds). This is how long it will wait when making the initial
connection attempt to the LDAP server before it considers it unreachable/down. |
setDomainName ( string $domainName ) |
Set the fully qualified domain name (ie. ""). |
setEncoding ( string $encoding ) |
Set the encoding type to use. |
setIdleReconnect ( integer $seconds ) |
Set the elapsed time (in seconds) when an idle connection will attempt to reconnect to LDAP. If you want to set
it so an idle reconnect never happens, set the value to 0. |
setLazyBind ( boolean $lazyBind ) |
Set whether or not the connection should bind on construction, or what until necessary. |
setLdapOption ( string | integer $option, $value ) |
Set a specific LDAP_OPT_* constant and value. |
setLdapOptions ( array $ldapOptions ) |
Set the LDAP_OPT_* constants to be used when connecting. This should be in the form of: |
setLdapType ( string $ldapType ) |
Set the LDAP type for this domain. |
setOperationInvoker ( LdapTools\Operation\Invoker\LdapOperationInvokerInterface $operationInvoker ) |
Set the operation invoker used in the LDAP connection. |
setPageSize ( integer $pageSize ) |
Set the page size for paging operations. |
setPassword ( string $password ) |
Set the password to use when binding. |
setPort ( integer $port ) |
The port number to connect to. |
setSchemaName ( string $schemaName ) |
Set the schema name to use for this domain. |
setServerSelection ( $type ) |
Set the server selection method that should be used. Let the LdapServerPool take care of validation. |
setServers ( array $servers ) |
Set the LDAP servers as an array of names or IP addresses. |
setUsePaging ( boolean $paging ) |
Set whether or not LDAP paging control should be used. |
setUseSsl ( boolean $useSsl ) |
Set whether SSL will be used for the connection or not. |
setUseTls ( boolean $useTls ) |
Set whether TLS will be used for the connection or not. |
setUsername ( string $username ) |
Set the username to use when binding. |