PHP Class Predis\Profile\Factory

Author: Daniele Alessandri ([email protected])
Exibir arquivo Open project: tillkruss/redis-object-cache Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
define ( string $alias, string $class ) Registers a new server profile.
get ( string $version ) : Predis\Profile\ProfileInterface Returns the specified server profile.
getDefault ( ) : Predis\Profile\ProfileInterface Returns the default server profile.
getDevelopment ( ) : Predis\Profile\ProfileInterface Returns the development server profile.

Private Methods

Method Description
__construct ( )

Method Details

define() public static method

Registers a new server profile.
public static define ( string $alias, string $class )
$alias string Profile version or alias.
$class string FQN of a class implementing Predis\Profile\ProfileInterface.

get() public static method

Returns the specified server profile.
public static get ( string $version ) : Predis\Profile\ProfileInterface
$version string Profile version or alias.
return Predis\Profile\ProfileInterface

getDefault() public static method

Returns the default server profile.
public static getDefault ( ) : Predis\Profile\ProfileInterface
return Predis\Profile\ProfileInterface

getDevelopment() public static method

Returns the development server profile.
public static getDevelopment ( ) : Predis\Profile\ProfileInterface
return Predis\Profile\ProfileInterface