PHP Class Roots\StageSwitcher\StageSwitcher

ENVIRONMENTS constant must be a serialized array of 'environment' => 'url' elements: $envs = [ 'development' => '', 'staging' => '', 'production' => '' ]; define('ENVIRONMENTS', serialize($envs)); WP_ENV must be defined as the current environment
Exibir arquivo Open project: roots/wp-stage-switcher

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( )
admin_bar_stage_switcher ( $admin_bar )
admin_css ( )

Private Methods

Method Description
multisite_url ( $url )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( )

admin_bar_stage_switcher() public method

public admin_bar_stage_switcher ( $admin_bar )

admin_css() public method

public admin_css ( )