PHP Class Rubenwouters\CrmLauncher\ApiCalls\FetchTwitterContent

Exibir arquivo Open project: rubenwouters/crm-launcher Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$config Rubenwouters\CrmLauncher\Models\Configuration

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Configuration $config )
answerTweet ( Request $request, string $type, integer $toId, string $handle ) : array | Illuminate\View\View Answer tweet
deleteTweet ( object $case, object $answer ) : void | Illuminate\View\View Delete tweet
deleteTweetPublishment ( object $answer ) : void | Illuminate\View\View Delete tweet
fetchDirectMessages ( integer $sinceId ) : array | Illuminate\View\View Fetch all direct (private) messages
fetchFollowers ( ) : array | Illuminate\View\View Get number of followers
fetchMentions ( ) : array | Illuminate\View\View Fetch all mentions
fetchTwitterStats ( ) : array | Illuminate\View\View Fetch user's tweets
newestDirectId ( ) : mixed Get newest direct ID on Twitter (Twitter)
newestMentionId ( ) : mixed Get newest mention id on Twitter (Twitter)
publishTweet ( string $tweet ) : array | Illuminate\View\View Publish tweet
toggleFollowUser ( object $contact, integer $twitterId ) : void | Illuminate\View\View Follow/unfollow user

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Configuration $config )
$config Rubenwouters\CrmLauncher\Models\Configuration

answerTweet() public method

Answer tweet
public answerTweet ( Request $request, string $type, integer $toId, string $handle ) : array | Illuminate\View\View
$request Request
$type string
$toId integer
$handle string
return array | Illuminate\View\View

deleteTweet() public method

Delete tweet
public deleteTweet ( object $case, object $answer ) : void | Illuminate\View\View
$case object
$answer object
return void | Illuminate\View\View

deleteTweetPublishment() public method

Delete tweet
public deleteTweetPublishment ( object $answer ) : void | Illuminate\View\View
$answer object
return void | Illuminate\View\View

fetchDirectMessages() public method

Fetch all direct (private) messages
public fetchDirectMessages ( integer $sinceId ) : array | Illuminate\View\View
$sinceId integer
return array | Illuminate\View\View

fetchFollowers() public method

Get number of followers
public fetchFollowers ( ) : array | Illuminate\View\View
return array | Illuminate\View\View

fetchMentions() public method

Fetch all mentions
public fetchMentions ( ) : array | Illuminate\View\View
return array | Illuminate\View\View

fetchTwitterStats() public method

Fetch user's tweets
public fetchTwitterStats ( ) : array | Illuminate\View\View
return array | Illuminate\View\View

newestDirectId() public method

Get newest direct ID on Twitter (Twitter)
public newestDirectId ( ) : mixed
return mixed

newestMentionId() public method

Get newest mention id on Twitter (Twitter)
public newestMentionId ( ) : mixed
return mixed

publishTweet() public method

Publish tweet
public publishTweet ( string $tweet ) : array | Illuminate\View\View
$tweet string
return array | Illuminate\View\View

toggleFollowUser() public method

Follow/unfollow user
public toggleFollowUser ( object $contact, integer $twitterId ) : void | Illuminate\View\View
$contact object
$twitterId integer
return void | Illuminate\View\View

Property Details

$config protected_oe property

protected Configuration,Rubenwouters\CrmLauncher\Models $config
return Rubenwouters\CrmLauncher\Models\Configuration