Method |
Description |
beforeScenario ( ) |
printLastXmlResponse ( ) |
Optimistically (ignoring errors) attempt to pretty-print the last XML response |
theAtomFeedShouldBeValid ( ) |
theResponseShouldBeInXml ( ) |
Checks that the response is correct XML |
theResponseShouldNotBeInXml ( ) |
Checks that the response is not correct XML |
theRss2FeedShouldBeValid ( ) |
theXmlAttributeShouldBeEqualTo ( $attribute, $element, $text ) |
Checks that the XML attribute on the specified element is equal to the given value |
theXmlAttributeShouldExist ( $attribute, $element ) |
Checks that the XML attribute on the specified element exists |
theXmlAttributeShouldNotBeEqualTo ( $attribute, $element, $text ) |
Checks that the XML attribute on the specified element is not equal to the given value |
theXmlAttributeShouldNotExist ( $attribute, $element ) |
Checks that the XML attribute on the specified element does not exist |
theXmlElementShouldBeEqualTo ( $element, $text ) |
Checks that the specified XML element is equal to the given value |
theXmlElementShouldContain ( $element, $text ) |
Checks that the given XML element contains the given value |
theXmlElementShouldExist ( string $element ) : DomNodeList |
Checks that the specified XML element exists |
theXmlElementShouldHaveNChildElements ( $element, $count ) |
Checks that the given XML element has N child element(s) |
theXmlElementShouldNotBeEqualTo ( $element, $text ) |
Checks that the specified XML element is not equal to the given value |
theXmlElementShouldNotContain ( $element, $text ) |
Checks that the given XML element does not contain the given value |
theXmlElementShouldNotExist ( $element ) |
Checks that the specified XML element does not exist |
theXmlFeedShouldBeValidAccordingToItsDtd ( ) |
theXmlFeedShouldBeValidAccordingToTheRelaxNgSchema ( $filename ) |
theXmlFeedShouldBeValidAccordingToTheXsd ( $filename ) |
theXmlFeedShouldBeValidAccordingToThisRelaxNgSchema ( Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode $ng ) |
theXmlFeedShouldBeValidAccordingToThisXsd ( Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode $xsd ) |
theXmlShouldNotUseTheNamespace ( $namespace ) |
Checks that the XML does not use the specified namespace |
theXmlShouldUseTheNamespace ( $namespace ) |
Checks that the XML uses the specified namespace |