PHP Class Transport\Entity\Schedule\Prognosis

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
$arrival string The departure time prognosis to the checkpoint, date format: ISO 8601 (e.g. 2012-03-31T08:58:00+02:00).
$capacity1st integer The estimated occupation load of 1st class coaches (e.g. 1).
$capacity2nd integer The estimated occupation load of 2nd class coaches (e.g. 2).
$departure string The arrival time prognosis to the checkpoint, date format: ISO 8601 (e.g. 2012-03-31T09:35:00+02:00).
$platform string The estimated arrival/departure platform (e.g. 8).

Public Methods

Method Description
createFromXml ( SimpleXMLElement $xml, DateTime $date, $isArrival, Prognosis $obj = null )

Method Details

createFromXml() public static method

public static createFromXml ( SimpleXMLElement $xml, DateTime $date, $isArrival, Prognosis $obj = null )
$xml SimpleXMLElement
$date DateTime
$obj Prognosis

Property Details

$arrival public_oe property

The departure time prognosis to the checkpoint, date format: ISO 8601 (e.g. 2012-03-31T08:58:00+02:00).
public string $arrival
return string

$capacity1st public_oe property

The estimated occupation load of 1st class coaches (e.g. 1).
public int $capacity1st
return integer

$capacity2nd public_oe property

The estimated occupation load of 2nd class coaches (e.g. 2).
public int $capacity2nd
return integer

$departure public_oe property

The arrival time prognosis to the checkpoint, date format: ISO 8601 (e.g. 2012-03-31T09:35:00+02:00).
public string $departure
return string

$platform public_oe property

The estimated arrival/departure platform (e.g. 8).
public string $platform
return string