PHP Class Trismegiste\Mondrian\Graph\Algorithm

Algorithm is an algorithm on Graph. This class does nothing except wrapping the graph. It is intended to avoid copy/paste of this content for real algorithms. See it as a default implementation. Therefore you only need to subclass this decorator and add your methods. It is not abstract since I want to test it but the spirit is :)
Inheritance: implements Trismegiste\Mondrian\Graph\Graph
Exibir arquivo Open project: trismegiste/mondrian

Protected Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Trismegiste\Mondrian\Graph\Graph $g ) Decorates the graph
addEdge ( Vertex $source, Vertex $target )
addVertex ( Vertex $v )
getEdgeIterator ( Vertex $v ) {@inheritDoc}
getEdgeSet ( )
getPartition ( ) {@inheritDoc}
getSuccessor ( Vertex $v )
getVertexSet ( )
searchEdge ( Vertex $source, Vertex $target )

Method Details

__construct() public method

Decorates the graph
public __construct ( Trismegiste\Mondrian\Graph\Graph $g )
$g Trismegiste\Mondrian\Graph\Graph

addEdge() public method

public addEdge ( Vertex $source, Vertex $target )
$source Vertex
$target Vertex

addVertex() public method

public addVertex ( Vertex $v )
$v Vertex

getEdgeIterator() public method

public getEdgeIterator ( Vertex $v )
$v Vertex

getEdgeSet() public method

public getEdgeSet ( )

getPartition() public method

public getPartition ( )

getSuccessor() public method

public getSuccessor ( Vertex $v )
$v Vertex

getVertexSet() public method

public getVertexSet ( )

searchEdge() public method

public searchEdge ( Vertex $source, Vertex $target )
$source Vertex
$target Vertex

Property Details

$graph protected_oe property

protected $graph