PHP Class VersionPress\Tests\End2End\Utils\WpCliWorker

Inheritance: implements VersionPress\Tests\End2End\Utils\ITestWorker
Exibir arquivo Open project: versionpress/versionpress Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$testConfig VersionPress\Tests\Utils\TestConfig

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( TestConfig $testConfig )

Protected Methods

Method Description
getRelativePath ( $absolutePath ) : string Returns relative path of given path to the WP site.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( TestConfig $testConfig )
$testConfig VersionPress\Tests\Utils\TestConfig

getRelativePath() protected method

Returns relative path of given path to the WP site.
protected getRelativePath ( $absolutePath ) : string
return string

Property Details

$testConfig protected_oe property

protected TestConfig,VersionPress\Tests\Utils $testConfig
return VersionPress\Tests\Utils\TestConfig

$wpAutomation protected_oe property

protected $wpAutomation