PHP Interface Sulu\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Analytics\AnalyticsManagerInterface

Exibir arquivo Open project: sulu/sulu

Public Methods

Method Description
create ( string $webspaceKey, array $data ) : Analytics Create new key for given webspace.
find ( integer $id ) : Analytics Returns key by id.
findAll ( string $webspaceKey ) : Analytics[] Returns all analytics for given webspace.
remove ( integer $id ) Removes key with given id.
removeMultiple ( array $ids ) Removes key with given id.
update ( integer $id, array $data ) : Analytics Updates key with given id.

Method Details

create() public method

Create new key for given webspace.
public create ( string $webspaceKey, array $data ) : Analytics
$webspaceKey string
$data array
return Sulu\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Analytics

find() public method

Returns key by id.
public find ( integer $id ) : Analytics
$id integer
return Sulu\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Analytics

findAll() public method

Returns all analytics for given webspace.
public findAll ( string $webspaceKey ) : Analytics[]
$webspaceKey string
return Sulu\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Analytics[]

remove() public method

Removes key with given id.
public remove ( integer $id )
$id integer

removeMultiple() public method

Removes key with given id.
public removeMultiple ( array $ids )
$ids array

update() public method

Updates key with given id.
public update ( integer $id, array $data ) : Analytics
$id integer
$data array
return Sulu\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Entity\Analytics