PHP Piwik\Plugins\DBStats\Reports Namespace


Name Description
GetAdminDataSummary Shows a datatable that displays the amount of space each 'admin' table takes up in the MySQL database.
GetDatabaseUsageSummary Shows a datatable that displays how much space the tracker tables, numeric archive tables, report tables and other tables take up in the MySQL database.
GetIndividualMetricsSummary Shows a datatable that displays how many occurrences there are of each individual metric type stored in the MySQL database.
GetIndividualReportsSummary Shows a datatable that displays how many occurrences there are of each individual report type stored in the MySQL database.
GetMetricDataSummary Shows a datatable that displays the amount of space each numeric archive table takes up in the MySQL database.
GetMetricDataSummaryByYear Shows a datatable that displays the amount of space each numeric archive table takes up in the MySQL database, for each year of numeric data.
GetReportDataSummary Shows a datatable that displays the amount of space each blob archive table takes up in the MySQL database.
GetReportDataSummaryByYear Shows a datatable that displays the amount of space each blob archive table takes up in the MySQL database, for each year of blob data.
GetTrackerDataSummary Shows a datatable that displays the amount of space each individual log table takes up in the MySQL database.