PHP Prado\Data\ActiveRecord\Relations Namespace


Name Description
TActiveRecordBelongsTo Implements the foreign key relationship (TActiveRecord::BELONGS_TO) between the source objects and the related foreign object. Consider the entity relationship between a Team and a Player.
TActiveRecordHasMany Implements TActiveRecord::HAS_MANY relationship between the source object having zero or more foreign objects. Consider the entity relationship between a Team and a Player.
TActiveRecordHasManyAssociation Implements the M-N (many to many) relationship via association table.
TActiveRecordHasOne TActiveRecordHasOne models the object relationship that a record (the source object) property is an instance of foreign record object having a foreign key related to the source object. The HAS_ONE relation is very similar to the HAS_MANY relationship (in fact, it is equivalent in the entities relationship point of view).
TActiveRecordRelation Base class for active record relationships.
TActiveRecordRelationContext TActiveRecordRelationContext holds information regarding record relationships such as record relation property name, query criteria and foreign object record class names.